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Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 112 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 86 4 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 81 3 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 35 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 33 3 Browse Search
James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 27 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 17 1 Browse Search
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 16 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 16 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 31, 1861., [Electronic resource] 15 1 Browse Search
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Unionism of East Tennessee broke into open revolt. Zollicoffer, in accordance with orders from General Johnston, October 28th and November 7th, having left about 2,000 men at Cumberland Gap, moved eastward, and finally took position guarding the Jamestown and Jacksboro roads, in defense of which line he carried on his subsequent operations. From this point he advanced, slowly feeling his way, until he established himself at Mill Spring on the Cumberland. On November 24th Major-General George B. Crittenden assumed command of this military district, having been assigned thereto by the War Department. A general attack along the whole Federal line was attempted early in November, in concert with an insurrection in East Tennessee. Although the various combats and enterprises of this movement are recorded by the Federal annalists, their simultaneous and concerted character is not alluded to, if it was observed, by any of them. When the movement proved abortive, neither General G
death. the retreat. the Federals follow,. Crittenden gets across the River. deplorable plight ofish it in face of the enemy. Major-General George B. Crittenden had been assigned to the commandhe inexperience of the gallant Zollicoffer. Crittenden took command of the district, November 24th,quences, as the next day decided the fate of Crittenden's army. Crittenden's letter was inaccurae generals — in Zollicoffer's selection, and Crittenden's maintenance of it. Another statement was, k of the enemy, a heavy winter rain falling, Crittenden learned that a rise in Fishing Creek was ineing to be done under any circumstances. General Crittenden's special error was not in attacking at th Kentucky and Tenth Indiana Regiments. General Crittenden had warned them, in the council of war, treat calamity as a crime. It is true that Crittenden, stung by popular clamor, demanded a court ojor-General Crittenden. Schoepf followed Crittenden to Monticello, and then returned. Thomas di[20 more...]
with a river in their rear; when, in fact, the last thing he wished was a battle, when the odds were four or five to one. His strategy succeeded. General Johnston held on to Bowling Green till the last moment. But his right flank, under, Crittenden, was broken. Fort Henry was lost. Donelson was about to be attacked, with a doubtful prospect of successful resistance. It was evident that the time for the evacuation of Bowling Green had come. On the 8th of February General Johnston wrotee army reached Nashville only in time to hear of the disaster of their comrades in arms. While mindful of whatever might aid the commanders at Donelson, General Johnston neglected nothing to secure the retreat of his own column. He brought Crittenden's command back within ten miles of Nashville, and thence to Murfreesboro. Besides the general orders for the march, he instructed Hardee to Let it be known that the object is to secure the crossing of the Cumberland, and no apprehension of the
hole force there some fifteen regiments, and would leave Crittenden's command free to act with the centre. He continues: he public stores. By the junction of the command of General Crittenden and the fugitives from Fort Donelson, which have beeeemed it impossible. Johnston persevered. He collected Crittenden and the relics of his command, with stragglers and fugitt had been posted near Bowling Green, to which was added Crittenden's command and the debris of Donelson. The army was reorganized in three divisions under Hardee, Crittenden, and Pillow respectively; with a reserve brigade under Breckinridge, and command to Murfreesboro, where I managed, by assembling Crittenden's division, and the fugitives from Donelson, to collect ving by cars to-day (20th March), and Statham's brigade (Crittenden's division). The brigade will halt at Iuka, the regiment, except regiment, at Burnsville; and Carroll's brigade, Crittenden's division, and Helm's cavalry, at Tuscumbia; Bowen's br
ssee, at its Great Bend. Smith at once sent Sherman with his division, escorted by two gunboats, to land below Eastport and make a break in the Memphis & Charleston Railroad between Tuscumbia and Corinth. Sherman, finding a Confederate battery at Eastport, disembarked below at the mouth of the Yellow River, and started for Burnsville; but, becoming discouraged at the continued rains, the swollen streams, the bad roads, and the resistance he met with from the troops posted there, under G. B. Crittenden, he retired. After consultation with Smith, he again disembarked, on the 16th, at Pittsburg Landing, on the left bank, seven miles above Savannah, and made a reconnaissance as far as Monterey, some ten miles, nearly half-way to Corinth. On the 17th General Grant took command, relieving Smith, who was lying ill at Savannah on his death-bed. Smith died April 25th--a very gallant and able officer. Two more divisions, Prentiss's and McClernand's, had joined in the mean time, and Gran
ut a poor compliment to the generalship of either Grant or Sherman to believe them aware of the presence of the Confederate army in their front on the 5th. Else why was General Lew Wallace with 7,500 men kept at Crump's Landing, and Nelson and Crittenden's divisions-14,000 men-left at Savannah? Why the calm of Saturday and the confusion of Sunday? For the events of the battle, let the eulogists of Generals Grant and Sherman rather plead, than deny, the surprise that befell them on Sunday mornam's division, which he believed to be still at Purdy. The advance of Buell's army, Nelson's division, had passed through Savannah on Saturday morning, April 5th, and was distant from Pittsburg about five miles on the north bank of the river. Crittenden's division arrived there on the morning of the 6th, and the other divisions of Buell's army followed at intervals of about six miles. The arrangement of Grant's army at Shiloh has been subjected to very severe and probably just criticism, b
bin. I proposed we should go ashore, and his horses were accordingly taken ashore. Buell also arranged with Grant to send steamers to Savannah, to bring up Crittenden's division. General Buell, in his official report of April 15, 1862, gives the following account of the condition of things at Pittsburg, and of the part ta five thousand, and later in the day it became much greater. Finding General Grant at the landing, I requested him to send steamers to Savannah to bring up General Crittenden's division, which had arrived during the morning, and then went ashore with him. The throng of disorganized and demoralized troops increased continually by point was not renewed, night having come on, and the firing ceased on both sides. In the mean time the remainder of General Nelson's division crossed, and General Crittenden's arrived from Savannah by steamers. Badeau says (page 84): A battery of artillery, well posted by Colonel Webster, of Grant's staff, did good ser
the night the entire divisions of Nelson and Crittenden were got across the river, and, by daylight,o arrive. Nelson took position on the left; Crittenden, next to him; and then McCook. The intervalmorning of the 7th, General Nelson's and General Crittenden's divisions, the only ones yet arrived ollery, which engaged the Confederates, while Crittenden aligned his division on Nelson's right; and ing to arrive, took position on the right of Crittenden. The line, when formed, had a front of one were rallied on Terrell's artillery, and on Crittenden's left brigade under Smith, and their own re by Kentuckians on the Confederate side. Crittenden's division moved simultaneously with Nelson'the main under the direction of Hardee. General Crittenden said to the writer that this was the harWaddell. Captain W. W. Porter, of Major-General Crittenden's staff, also reported for duty, and by the divisions of Generals Nelson, McCook, Crittenden, and Thomas, of Major-General Buell's army,
deral force under Thomas at Somerset, which was advancing against Crittenden's small force at Beech Grove. Zollicoffer, being but second in command to Crittenden at Beech Grove, had but little influence in the management. Our troops had been almost in a starving condition for some time, and had but scant rations for several months. Crittenden was fully informed of the Federal advance at Columbia and Somerset, but didt on surrounding him. On learning that Thomas was at Mill Spring, Crittenden set out to meet Rim, thinking it possible to drive him from his fself overpowered, and determined to make a bold push for victory, Crittenden himself rode to the front, and endeavored to gain the hill: after a few pieces of cannon, and other things behind him. General George B. Crittenden is a Kentuckian, about fifty-five years of age. He entere: the enemy had shown their strength on our right, and driven in Crittenden, while Grant was preparing to ascend the Cumberland. The fortifi
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Holding Kentucky for the Union. (search)
part of the State. On the 8th of November Major-General George B. Crittenden, C. S. A. From a photograph. General CritGeneral Crittenden was a son of Senator John J. Crittenden. his brother, Thomas L. Crittenden, was a Major-General in the Union armyRoads (Mill Springs). A few days before this General George B. Crittenden had arrived at Zollicoffer's camp and assumed cissue was to attack Thomas before he could concentrate. Crittenden ordered a movement to begin at midnight on the 18th in ted caused two of his regiments to retreat in confusion. Crittenden then brought up Carroll's brigade to the support of the and the hungry soldiers seized on them with avidity. As Crittenden in his report mentioned the loss of all the cooked ratioed, 89 prisoners not wounded, and 68 prisoners wounded. Crittenden's report stated his own loss at 125 killed, 309 wounded,und in the camp. The demoralization was acknowledged by Crittenden in his report, in which he says: From Mill Springs and o