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Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry 50 4 Browse Search
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e services rendered, and the estimation in which those services were held by the superior officers. The several sources from which this history is compiled are: the records of the regiment, the reports of regimental and brigade commanders, the diaries of several members of the regiment, and several books already published covering the same events. Of these the diary of Colonel Clinton Beckwith, notes by Lieut. J. H. Smith, the chapters in the History of Otsego County, prepared by Colonel J. W. Cronkite, the letters of Chaplain John R. Adams and the diary of Lieutenant Woodcock have been especially useful. Col. Beckwith's diary is as it professes to be, the story of his own army experiences, and of his comrades and of the regiment from the enlisted man's viewpoint. That he has given permission to quote ad libitum from it is very gratifying to the compiler, as it will certainly be also to the readers of the history. Col. Cronkite's history of the regiment in the History of Otsego
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 5: the battle of Fredericksburg (search)
Captains Campbell and Ramsay and Lieutenants Story, Kieth and Van Horn. Asst. Surgeon Valentine was dismissed for incompetency after trial by court martial. Captain Angus Cameron died of typhoid fever, Major Olcott was promoted to Lieut. Colonel, and Lieut. Mather and Adjutant Arnold to Captains. Cleveland J. Campbell of Cherry Valley was commissioned as Captain in the regiment, and Henry Upton as 2d Lieutenant. Lieut. Sternberg was promoted to Quartermaster, and 2d Lieutenants Casler and Cronkite to 1st Lieutenants. Lieut. Casler was transferred to Company E, that company being without a commissioned officer present for duty. Sergeants A. C. Rice, Charles A. Butts, Thomas C. Adams, L. B. Paine, F. E. Ford, S. E. Pierce and G. R. Wheeler received Lieutenantcies. These changes had been made at different dates, the last being the resignation of Captain Douglas Campbell on April 28th from the hospital where he, for some time, had been under treatment for sickness. Changes had also
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 7: the Gettysburg campaign (search)
the regiment was sent in skirmish formation about three miles towards Leesburgh, through a rather difficult country and returned to camp very much fatigued. Colonel Cronkite calls this a skirmish drill, but it was probably a feeler to determine whether any large portion of the Confederate army was in the vicinity. If it was not separated the opposing forces at one point. About 5 P. M. Companies I and E of the 121st and a detachment of the 5th Maine were ordered on skirmish duty and Captain Cronkite, being the senior officer of the detail, reported for instructions to General Wright then in command of the 1st Division. The General led to the nearest ele, and the position was ours. Seven or eight of the 121st were wounded, five in Company E. Three Rebels were found among the slain. The above facts are from Colonel Cronkite's account of the affair. The next day was spent in skirmishing, throwing up rifle pits and preparing for an assault in the morning. But when morning came n
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 9: under Grant in the Wilderness (search)
g. Company A. Captain Jonathan Burrell, First Lieutenant Wm. H. Tucker, Second Lieutenant Samuel B. Kelley. Company B. Captain M. R. Casler, First Lieutenant Thomas C. Adams, commanding in the absence of Captain Casler, wounded. Company C. Captain Lansing B. Paine, Second Lieutenant George W. Quackenbush, on special duty with Ambulance Corps. Company D. Captain John D. Fish, A. A. Gen. on Brigade Staff, First Lieutenant Daniel D. Jackson, commanding company. Company E. Captain James W. Cronkite, Second Lieutenant James W. Johnston. Company F. Captain A. M. Tyler, on Division Staff, First Lieutenant Silas E. Pierce, commanding company. Company G. Captain Frank Gorton. Company H. Captain Charles A. Butts, Second Lieutenant H. C. VanScoy. Company I. Captain John S. Kidder, First Lieutenant Frank W. Foote. Company K. Captain John D. P. Douw, First Lieutenant Lewis C. Bartlett on Brigade Staff, Second Lieutenant Sheldon J. Redway. The many vacancies among commissio
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 10: the tenth of May (search)
pected of brave men. They went forward with perfect confidence, fought with unflinching courage, and retired only on receipt of a written order, after having expended the ammunition of their dead and wounded comrades. In this engagement the 121st had one officer and thirty-two men killed and a large number wounded. Captain Butts was wounded in the advance upon the works, and while being assisted to the rear was again hit and instantly killed. Major Galpin, Captains Kidder, Jackson and Cronkite and Lieutenants Foote, Johnson and Tucker were wounded. Lieutenant Foote was wounded while trying to turn the guns of the battery just captured upon the enemy. He fell into the hands of the enemy, and was for a long time supposed to have been killed. Lieut. Jas. W. Johnston, on mounting the parapet, had a bayonet thrust through one of his thighs when raising his sword to strike down the Confederate who had thrust the bayonet through him. The Rebel begged for mercy, was spared, and sent t
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 12: from the angle to Cold Harbor (search)
on the 14th the brigade was ordered to cross the Nye River and occupy Myer's Hill, an elevation to the left, and in front of the Fifth Corps. At this point quite a sharp engagement occurred. The position was occupied easily, but being attacked sharply by a force large enough to flank the troops engaged, they were compelled to fall back a little distance until reinforcements arrived, when the enemy in turn retired and the hill was reoccupied and the picket line extended to the left. Colonel Cronkite who was not present, having been wounded on the 10th, speaks very briefly of this affair, but Colonel Beckwith describes it quite minutely. On the morning of the 13th we moved to our left and early in the morning of the 14th crossed the Nye River, a narrow, sluggish, deep stream where we crossed, and moving a short distance came to a brigade of regular troops which we relieved. We moved forward a short distance and were deployed in a heavy skirmish line, taking down a rail fence a
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 16: with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley (search)
e 121st New York. The death of General Rodes at this crisis of the battle was a severe blow to the Confederates, as was that of Russell to us. Captain Weaver in giving an account of this special affair at the crisis of the battle says that Captain Cronkite rushed out alone and captured a Rebel flag. Neither Beckwith nor Colonel Cronkite mentions this in their accounts of the affair. Of the result of the battle Colonel Beckwith says, We were all greatly encouraged by the splendid victory we hColonel Cronkite mentions this in their accounts of the affair. Of the result of the battle Colonel Beckwith says, We were all greatly encouraged by the splendid victory we had won. We knew the men we had been fighting and we considered them as good as any, if not the best, in Lee's army, but they were no match for us on open ground. It was voted a luxury to be permitted to fight on a fair field instead of in the jungle we had been in, from the Rapidan to the James, and it did us great good. We knew that the Louisianians of Rappahannock Station were there, the Alabamians of Salem Church, the Virginians and Georgians of the Wilderness, and Dole's and Battle's men o
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 18: back to Petersburg and winter quarters (search)
not be mustered in, because the number of enlisted men was below the required standard, might receive their full rank. These were Lieutenant Colonel Olcott, Captain Cronkite and Captain Kidder, who had been commissioned respectively Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel and Major. Several recruiting officers were sent home to Herkimer andll sorts. They had an enjoyable day, but the toting of a log of cord wood all night, and extra picket duty somewhat cancelled the pleasant remembrance of it. Major Cronkite then in command of the regiment, did not escape denunciation by the transgressors. General Grant says in his memoirs that at this time he was in great anxid to the top of the knoll and threw up breastworks. At midnight we returned to camp, leaving some of the regiment on picket in the new line we had built. Colonel Cronkite then in command of the regiment gives a fuller account of this affair. The 2d Brigade was on the right of the corps, and the 121st on the right of the briga
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 19: the capture of Petersburg by 6th Corps (search)
Chapter 19: the capture of Petersburg by 6th Corps The Brigade sent to 19th Corps skirmishes into Petersburg the pursuit of Lee battle of Sailor's Creek Colonel Cronkite wounded The 31st of March was spent by the 121st on the skirmish line, and on its return to camp, orders were received to hold itself in readiness for moving at a moment's notice. On the 1st of April firing was heard off to the left, and it was rumored that the 5th Corps had already begun the anticipated attack upon the enemy's works. At 10 o'clock of April 1st the 6th Corps, under orders to leave all unnecessary accoutrements under guard in camp, and to move as quietly as possible in light marching order, moved quietly out of camp and formed in column of assault in the rear of our picket line. This was done so silently, as not to be detected by the pickets of the enemy. The position occupied by the corps was the one captured on the afternoon of the 25th of March, behind the picket line then fo
M. Galpin, March 31 to December 21, 1864; J. W. Cronkite, December 24, 1864 to June 25, 1865. Adcommissioned. Lieutenant Colonels:: James W. Cronkite and Henry M. Galpin. Majors: Lewis C.G. W. Davis, August 4 to October 20, 1862; J. W. Cronkite, October 21, 1862 to April 10, 1863; J. D.mpbell, August 23, 1862 to April 27, 1863; J. W. Cronkite, May 3, 1863 to December 24, 1864. Firsnberg, August 18, 1862 to January 5, 1863; J. W. Cronkite, April 10 to May 3, 1863; L. B. Paine, Mayished conduct on different occasions: Major James W. Cronkite to be Lieutenant Colonel; Captains Joy the regiment. This request was sent to Colonel Cronkite who passed it to the president of the Reg, consisting of Comrades John S. Kidder, James W. Cronkite, Clinton Beckwith, Douglas Campbell, Fraas appointed as follows: John S. Kidder, James W. Cronkite, Clinton Beckwith, Timothy Dasey, Andrewnd organized by electing as officers, President J. W. Cronkite, Treasurer J. S. Kidder, Secretary Fr