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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.40 (search)
The shooting case.
--Some further testimony in regard to the wounding of a negro, by Wm. T. Moore, was introduced at the Mayor's Court yesterday.
Wm. W. Crump, Esq. , appeared as counsel for the accused.
He submitted an application for bail, and argued that there was no intent to maim, disable or kill, and that therefore the charge did not amount to a felony.
The Mayor took a different view of the case, and declined to admit the prisoner to bail.
The Daily Dispatch: February 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], The National Crisis. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: March 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Odd fellows. (search)
The Odd fellows.
--At a full meeting of Union Lodge, No. 7, I. O. O. F., held on Friday evening, Judge Wm. W. Crump was elected Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of Virginia, which meets in Richmond early the ensuing month.
The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Harvard College student run over by a Locomotive and killed. (search)
Trial commenced.
--David S. Chilton, young white man, a former resident of Liberty, Bedford county, was put on trial yesterday before Judge Lyons, of the Hustings Court, for having in his possession and passing counterfeit bank notes purporting to be issued by the Bank of South Carolina. Hon. Wm. L. Goggin, Jas. F. Johnson, Esq., (of the State Senate,) and Judge Wm. W. Crump appeared for the defence.
Littleton Tazewell for the Commonwealth.
Baker vs. Wise, Governor, &c.
--This case, which has been pending for some time before the Supreme Court of Appeals, was finally disposed of on yesterday.
It arose upon the question whether the law of Virginia, requiring an inspection of vessels owned in whole or in part by non-residents, and bound to any Northern port, was in conflict with the Bill of Rights of Virginia, or the Constitution of the United States.
The Court held that the law did not conflict with either, and was in all respects constitutional and valid.
Judge Daniel delivered an able and learned opinion, and Judges Moncure, Lee and Robertson concurred.
Allen, President, dissented.
The cause was argued sometime ago, by Tazewell Taylor, Esq., of Norfolk, Judge William W. Crump, of Richmond, and --Johnson, Esq., of Boston, for the appellant; and by the Attorney General for the appellee.
Judgment affirmed.
The Daily Dispatch: October 30, 1861., [Electronic resource], Trial Progressing. (search)
Trial Progressing.
--The Circuit Court of Henrico was occupied yesterday in hearing the testimony in the case of Joseph Bernard, indicted for the murder of John O. Taylor.
It was published in detail in this paper at the time of the preliminary examination.
The prisoner, an aged man, is defended by Messrs. James Lyons and Wm. W. Crump.
The Daily Dispatch: November 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], A tribute to Gen. Beauregard . (search)
The faro Banks and Bankers.
--John A. Worsham and William Burnes, charged with keeping and exhibiting a game called faro, appeared before the Mayor yesterday, accompanied by their counsel, Wm. W. Crump and Marmaduke Johnson, Esqs.
The Mayor stated that the parties had been presented by the Grand Jury, but the law, nevertheless, required that he should examine them.
A continuance was then requested, which was acceded to, the Mayor calling the attention of the counsel to the fact that certain bank checks were found upon the faro table, and the question would arise whether those checks were to be considered as money under the act of Assembly, though his own mind was already made up in regard to the matter.
The persons accused were delivered into the custody of the City Sergeant; and a similar disposition was made of the charges against Jas. McCann and Benjamin Degroot.
The Daily Dispatch: December 3, 1861., [Electronic resource], Agent of Parson Brownlow arrested. (search)
The Counterfeiting case.
--The trial of Harvey Wash, for passing counterfeit gold coin, is drawing to a close.
The testimony concluded yesterday, when Attorney Tazewell opened the argument for the Commonwealth, and was followed by Mr. John G. Williams for prisoner.
Mr. Crump will continue for the defence to day.