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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Stonewall Jackson's last battle. (search)
alted and began the disposition of his forces to attack Howard. Rodes's division, at the head of the column, was thrown into line of battle, with Colston's forming the second line and A. P. Hill's the third, while the artillery under Colonel Stapleton Crutchfield moved in column on the road, or was parked in a field on the right. The well-trained skirmishers of Rodes's division, under Major Eugene Blackford, were thrown to the front. It must have been between 5 and 6 o'clock in the evening, st; there could be no mistake and no failure. And there were Rodes and A. P. Hill. Had they not seen and cheered, as long and as loud as they were permitted, the gay-hearted Stuart and the long-bearded Fitz Lee on his fiery charger? Was not Crutchfield's array of brass and iron dogs of war at hand, with Poague and Palmer, and all the rest, ready to bark loud and deep with half a chance? Alas! for Howard and his unformed lines, and his brigades with guns stacked, and officers at dinner or
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The Confederate army. (search)
lliams: 1st La., Capt. E. D. Willett; 2d La., Col. J. M. Williams, Lieut.-Col. R. E. Burke; 10th La., Lieut.-Col. John M. Legett (k); 14th La., Lieut.-Col. D. Zable; 15th La., Capt. William C. Michie. Brigade loss: k, 47; w, 266; in, 10 =323. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. H. P. Jones: Va. Battery, Capt. J. McD. Carrington; Va. Battery (Garber's), Lieut. Alexander H. Fultz; Va. Battery, Capt. W. A. Tanner; La. Battery, Capt. C. Thompson. Artillery loss (not reported). artillery Reserve, Col. S. Crutchfield. Brown's Battalion, Col. J. Thompson Brown: Va. Battery (Brooke's); Va. Battery (Dance's); Va. Battery (Graham's); Va. Battery (Hupp's); Va. Battery (Smith's); Va. Battery (Watson's). Battalion loss (not reported). McIntosh's Battalion, Maj. D. G. McIntosh: Ala. Battery (Hurt's), Va. Battery (Johnson's); Va. Battery (Lusk's); Va. Battery (Wooding's). Battalion loss (not reported). Reserve artillery, Brig.-Gen. William N. Pendleton. Sumter (Ga.) Battalion, Lieut.-Col. A. S. Cutts:
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hampton, (search)
the first battle of the Revolution in Virginia. In 1813 the British, exasperated by their repulse at Craney Island, proceeded to attack the village of Hampton. It was defended at the time by about 450 Virginia soldiers, commanded by Maj. Stapleton Crutchfield. They were chiefly militia infantry, with a few artillerymen and cavalry. They had a heavy battery to defend the water-front of the camp and village, composed of four 6, two 12, and one 18 pounder cannon, in charge of Sergt. William Bof the Mohawk, behind a wood, about 2 miles from Hampton. Most of the inhabitants fled; the few who could not were willing to trust to the honor and clemency of the British, if they should capture the place. As they moved upon the village, Crutchfield and his men—infantry, artillery, and cavalry —fought the invaders gallantly; but at length overwhelming numbers, failure of gunpowder, volleys of grape-shot, and flights of Congreve rockets, compelled the St. John's Church. Americans, who we
alions, calling attention to the fact that all the infantry regiments had their complement of companies, except the Forty-first, which. would soon be filled up by companies ready to be mustered in. These regiments were: The Third, Roger A. Pryor, colonel, F. H. Archer, lieutenant-colonel, and Joseph Mayo, major; the Sixth, William Mahone, colonel, Thomas J. Corprew, lieutenantcol-onel, and W. P. Lundy, major; the Ninth, F. H. Smith, colonel, J. T. L. Preston, lieutenant-colonel, and Stapleton Crutchfield, major (the superintendent and two professors of the Virginia military institute); the Twelfth, D. A. Weisiger, colonel, F. L. Taylor, lieutenant-colonel, and Edgar L. Brockett, major; the Twenty-sixth, R. E. Colston, colonel, H. T. Parish, lieutenant-colonel, and John C. Page, major; the Forty-first, John R. Chambliss, Jr., colonel, George Blow, Jr., lieutenantcol-onel, and Fred W. Smith, major. The Forty-first had but seven companies. There was a cavalry regiment of eight compani
known in history by the names of White Oak Swamp, Frayser's Farm, Charles City Cross-roads, Glendale or Willis' Church; Glendale being the name of a plantation just south of Charles City cross roads, and Willis' church a point a mile in the same, direction from the same point on the Quaker road. By 11 o'clock in the morning, the head of Jackson's column appeared at the northern end of the destroyed White Oak swamp bridge. Franklin at once opened on this with his heavy batteries. Colonel Crutchfield, Jackson's chief of artillery, brought twenty-eight guns promptly into position and soon drove back Franklin's artillery, when Jackson attempted to force the passage of the swamp; but Franklin successfully resisted this with his more numerous muskets aiding his artillery and with two brigades that were sent to his assistance from Sedgwick's division, giving him 25,000 men to meet Jackson's 21,000. Jackson, seeing that the odds were too great and that he could not get at his enemy at
regiment): Camden, G. D., Jr., major; Hansbrough, George W., lieutenant-colonel. Ninth battalion Reserves: Taylor, Arch., major. Ninth Infantry regiment: Crutchfield, Stapleton, major; Gilliam, James S., major, lieutenant-colonel; Godwin, David J., lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Hardin, Mark B., major; Owens, John C., major; Pnel; Graham, William L., lieutenant-colonel; Nounnan, James H., major. Sixteenth Infantry regiment: Colston, Raleigh E., colonel; Crump, Charles A., colonel; Crutchfield, Stapleton, colonel; Ham, Joseph H., lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Holladay, Francis D., major; Page, John C., major, lieutenant-colonel; Parrish, Henry T., lieuventh Militia regiment: Kamey, Sanford J., colonel. Fifty-eighth Infantry regiment: Board, Francis H., lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Booker, George E., major; Crutchfield, Stapleton, major, lieutenant-colonel; Goode, Edmund, colonel; Kasey, John G., major, lieutenant-colonel; Letcher, Samuel H., lieutenantcol-onel, colonel; Walke
The Daily Dispatch: July 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Patriotic Move in West Baton Rouge. (search)
Military appointments. --Governor Letcher has made the following excellent appointments to posts in the Provisional Army of Virginia: Francis H. Smith, Col. of Artillery; Thos. L. Preston, Lieut Col. of Artillery; Stapleton Crutchfield, Major of Artillery; Thomas H. Williamson, Lieut. Col. of Engineers. We believe all of these gentlemen have been, or are connected officially with the Virginia Military Institute. They are thoroughly conversant with the duties of the positions to which they have been assigned. The Southern States have at least one advantage over their "Northern brethren"--they have good and true men marshalled by accomplished and gallant officers.
Military matters. The Governor has appointed Lieutenant-Colonel John Echols to the Colonelcy of the Twenty-Seventh Regiment, Virginia Volunteers; A. J. Grigsby, Lieutenant-Colonel; and E. F. Paxton, Major of the same. Mark B. Hardin has been appointed Major of the Ninth Regiment, Virginia Volunteers, vice Stapleton Crutchfield, transferred to the Fifty-Eighth.
Light Artillery!!Battery secured!!!bounty Fifty Dollars! The undersigned having secured a splendid battery of field pieces, have authority to raise a Company of Light Artillery, to be mustered into the service of the Provisional Army of Virginia, for the war. Each man will be entitled to a bounty of $50 upon being mustered in. As an opportunity of enlisting in this arm of the service will not hereafter be of frequent occurrence, those wishing to join will make application at once at the rendezvous, northwest corner of Cary and 11th streets, where one or more of the undersigned can always be seen. Those having substitutes will send them in at once, as the ranks are filling rapidly. Stapleton Crutchfield, William E. Tanner, charles E. Wortham. fe 18--ts
New Light Artillery Company. --We desire to call the attention of our readers to the advertisement, in another column, of the Crutchfield Light Artillery. This new company is commanded by Capt. Stapleton Crutchfield, a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute and an accomplished artillery officer. Having secured a fine battery of six guns, there will be no delay in going into service. The 1st Lieutenant, Mr. Charles E. Wortham, is well known as the popular and efficient Secretary of the Old Dominion Insurance Company, and, we believe, will make a fine officer. The other offices in the company are yet vacant.--No substitutes will be received, and recruits may rely upon getting in a "crack company" when they join this one.