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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.23 (search)
adley, E, Eleventh Virginia Infantry. August 29, 1888, John M. Brumfield, Fayette Artillery. August 10, 1889, R. S. Baldwin, Hospital service. July 29, 1892, R. H. Buchanan, C, Sixth Virginia Infantry. August 19, 1892, Robert Banks, D, Sixth Virginia Infantry. June 22, 1885, John H. Conley, G, Eleventh Virginia Infantry. August 8, 1885, Thomas V. Carr, C, First Virginia Infantry. May 25, 1886, Frank Carr, Confederates States steamer Patrick Henry. March 3, 1887, P. R. Cunningham, H, Fifty-eight Virginia Infantry. November 24, 1887, Robert G. Carrington, A, Fourth Virginia Infantry. October 28, 1888, Charles W. Cooper, S, Fifth Virginia Infantry. January 8, 1889, Z. T. Curlew, B. Sixty-first Virginia Infantry. August 7, 1889, I. G. Crews, F, Eleventh Virginia Infantry. March 14, 1890, John Carhoni, A, Eighteenth Virginia Infantry. April 29, 1890, W. W. Caldwell, C, Twelfth Virginia Infantry. August 15, 1892, George B. Carrington, D, Nineteen