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ported the following, viz: President--Jos. S. Garson. 1st Vice President--Col. McPherson, 2d Vice President--Chas. J. Baker. Secretaries--J. Asbury Morgan,--Watts. The report was adopted. A motion was made to appoint a committee to prepare business for the Convention. Mr. Gant, of Anne Arundel county, Md., opposed this motion, and offered a resolution repudiating, in strong terms, the new chapter on slavery adopted by the late General Conference at Buffalo. Mr. Davis, of Washington city, was opposed to the resolution. If you view the new chapter condemning slavery as a sin indiscriminately, or making a new test of membership, he repudiated it as strongly as any one. But there was the very issue. There was a difference as to the meaning. Mr. Ridgely of Baltimore county, desired to avoid mere resolutions of opinion as not the thing demanded. He wanted a committee to prepare business. On motion, the resolution of Mr. Gant was laid on the tab