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if men will mix with thieves, they may expect to share the penalty. Mr. G, said that he repudiated the imputation as false. Mr. Wilson said, that in giving the Black Republican compromise resolution he merely wanted to show the animus of the North. The following questions were propounded to the Bishop, and answered in writing. By Mr.--,--Is there anything in the Discipline which presents a barrier to the ordination of a traveling slaveholder? Answer — No. By J. N. Davis — Are the interpretations of the doctrine of the Church by the Bishops authoritative? Answer.--Certainly not. I am not aware of having given any interpretation of Church doctrine. By what constitutional power was the New Chapter introduced into the Discipline by the General Conference? Answer — By the same power by which any other matter is introduced which is not contrary to the restrictive rules. By Isaac Gibson.--Doesn't the New Chapter determine the moral position <
following items of interest: The first war vessel put afloat by South Carolina since the War of Independence, 1776, was bought by Gov. Pickens at Richmond, and altered for service, armed with twenty-four pounders, and regularly equipped. She started last night on the harbor defence, with her complement of enlisted men: Lieut. T. B. Huger, commanding, with 1st Lieut. Doner and lieut. Grimball. She is ready. for her work of defence, and Gov. Pickens has directed her to be named Lady Davis in compliment to the lady of the first President of our Confederate States. A close observation with the aid of a large glass, shows that the parapet guns facing Fort Moultrie have been concentrated on the east face of this work, to bear on Cuming's Point; it is possible, however, that some of these could be brought to bear in the direction of Moultrie, if mounted on traverses. The guns are apparently crowded, and this shows that Major Anderson proposed paying his respects to a consi