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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. N. Davis or search for J. N. Davis in all documents.
Your search returned 6 results in 5 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], Appointments, &c. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], Col. Ben. McCullough En route for Richmond (search)
Col. Ben. McCullough En route for Richmond
--Col. Ben. McCullough passed through Mobile, on Saturday, en route to Richmond, to purchase arms for Texas.
He will stop at Montgomery, with the view of inducing President Davis to order a regiment of mounted riflemen for the protection of the frontiers of Texas.
The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], Standing armies and navies of the world (search)
Henrico light Dragoons.
Meet for important business, at the Court-House, in citizen's dress, with side-arms, at 2 o'clock P.M., on Tuesday, the 26th of March. By order of Col. Davis. Jas. R. Belcher, Ord'ly Sergt. mh 20--6t
Headq'rs 33d Reg't Va. Militia, March 14th, 1861.
Order No. 10.
A Board of Officers, composed of the field and Commanding Officers of companies of the 33d Regiment, will convene at the Office of Col. J. P. Harrison, on Tuesday, the 26th of March, at 10 o'clock A. M.
In this order, Commandants of Cavalry companies are included. By order of Col. Davis. W. H. Pryor, Adj't. mh 20--st