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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 30, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. N. Davis or search for J. N. Davis in all documents.
Your search returned 3 results in 3 document sections:
Special election.
--We have full returns of the recent special election for Senator in the district composed of Hanover and Henrico counties.
The following is the result:
J. R. Garnett.J. N. Davis.
Showing a majority of 369 for Dr. Garnet.
The election in Hanover, on the same day for members of the House of Delegates, resolves as follows: Dr. Francis C. Taylor, 197; John N. Tanaferro. 179, Col. Edward Shelton. 90.--In Henrico, John B. Young is elected to the state Convention without opposition.
--The manager of the theatre has succeeded in engaging a good company, and will probably open next Saturday night Among the ladies who will appear at the commencement of the season is Miss Ella Wren, who has heretofore been a favorite with the Richmond public; also, Mille M. A. Boisvert a young lady of superior musical accomplishments, from New Orleans, who comes among is with high recommendations, and for whom we predict a successful career; Mrs. De. Bar, this very popular actress, and others of good professional reputation.
We understand that Messrs. Davis and Chippendale, of New Orleans, and Dalton, of Mobile, are among the well known actors engaged.
A liberal expenditure has been made in repairing and decorating the establishment, and no effort has been spared to make it an attractive place of amusement.