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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Some great constitutional questions. (search)
e. 1.—Professor Bledsoe and P. C. Centz, on Davis's alleged treason. The first edition of thendon in the summer of 1865, under the title of Davis and Lee, &c.; and a second edition was issued r. The great aim of the work was to show that Davis and the other Confederate leaders were not traare and show that no gibbet can be erected for Davis and Lee and the other Confederate Chiefs, excefessor Bledsoe published his work entitled: Is Davis a Traitor, making substantially the same argumthe author asserts that the whole case against Davis, Lee et als, is based on a perversion of the pepared and overwhelmingly conclusive brief for Davis's defence, and, some time afterward, he employLondon, in which are set forth the reasons why Davis cannot be convicted in any court; and many leah and ability, specially designed to show that Davis was no traitor and was not punishable as such.ationalism. In the foregoing quotation from Davis and Lee it is shown that the Convention of Sta[1 more...]