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Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2 1,039 11 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 833 7 Browse Search
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1 656 14 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 580 0 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 459 3 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 435 13 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 355 1 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 352 2 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 333 7 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 330 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Jefferson Davis or search for Jefferson Davis in all documents.

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hivalrous C. S. A.! by B. air--Vive la Compagnie! I'll sing you a song of the South's sunny clime, Chivalrous C. S. A.! Which went to housekeeping once on a time; Bully for C. S. A.! Like heroes and princes they lived for awhile, Chivalrous C. S. A.! And routed the Hessians in most gallant style; Bully for C. S. A.! Chorus — Chivalrous, chivalrous people are they! Chivalrous, chivalrous people are they! In C. S. A.! In C. S. A.! Ay, in chivalrous C. S. A.! They have a bold leader — Jeff. Davis his name-- Chivalrous C. S. A.! Good generals and soldiers, all anxious for fame; Bully for C. S. A.! At Manassas they met the North in its pride, Chivalrous C. S. A.! But they easily put McDowell aside; Bully for C. S. A.! Chorus — Chivalrous, chivalrous people are they! &c. Ministers to England and France, it appears, Have gone from the C. S. A.! Who've given the North many fleas in its ears; Bully for C. S. A.! Reminders are being to Washington sent, By the chivalrous C. S. A.! That'l<
14. the flag of secession. a Reply to the song of the same Heading. see page 84, Vol. III., Rumors and Incidents. by James S. Watkins. air--Star-Spangled Banner. I. Oh! yes, I have seen by the early dawn's light, What your minions have hailed as “the flag of Secession,” Base rebeldom's glory! a pitiless sight, Defiantly waves o'er the Union's possessions; With Davis your tool, In a fanatical school, You'll pillage and burn o'er the country you'll rule; Then “the flag of Secession” in darkness will wave O'er the land of our freedom and Liberty's grave. II. You've trampled the laws of our land 'neath your feet, And now e'en exult that your slaves still pursue it; But the day is forthcoming when freemen you'll meet; Then, bitterly then, will your hirelings rue it. But if a defeat Our armies should meet, No life will be spared but to those that are fleet, When rebeldom's banner in darkness will wave O'er the downfall of freedom and Liberty's grave. III. No despot has eve
ed the second time, within ten miles of the enemy's lines in Kentucky, $7500 of unexpended money, furnished by the rebels, was found upon her person. She has been a correspondent of the Richmond Enquirer and the Baltimore Exchange. Miss Poole is yet in confinement in the Sixteenth-Street Jail. Among the number yet confined here is Mrs. Baxley, formerly a resident of Baltimore. She was arrested on the 23d of December. She had just come from Richmond, and had been in conversation with Jeff. Davis, from whom she had obtained a commission in the rebel army for her lover, Dr. Brown. She is, as she represents herself, a very explosive woman, and it was from this fact that her arrest took place on board the boat, while approaching Baltimore from Richmond. This woman has refused to sleep under a blanket marked U. S. ever since her confinement here. The above is a hurried sketch of the prisoners liberated and now confined in the Sixteenth-Street Jail. Their quarters are of the mos
. On one Sabbath he had his church ornamented with U. S. flags and brass eagles; his hymns were the Star-Spangled Banner, the Red, White, and Blue, and Hail Columbia. He prayed that the Union may be preserved, even though blood may come out of the wine-press even unto the horses' bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. In the course of his sermon he said: I trust our troops will rally and wipe out the disgrace of Manassas, though it cost the life of every rebel under arms. Let Davis and Beauregard be captured to meet the fate of Haman. Hang them up on Mason and Dixon's Line, that traitors of both sections may be warned. Let them hang until the vultures shall eat their rotten flesh from their bones; let them hang until the crows shall build their filthy nests in their skeletons; let them hang until the rope rots, and let their dismembered bones fall so deep into the earth that God Almighty can't find them in the day of resurrection. --Mobile Tribune.
Jeff. Davis's agents at Havana made the most of the Phelps (Ship Island) proclamation, to create the impression with the Spaniards that if the Federals subjugate the Southern Confederacy, Mr. Lincoln would turn his army and navy against slavery and the Roman Catholic religion in the island of Cuba. Boston Traveller, January 4.
A pleasant Incident.--A few days ago, as Gen. Buell was riding on horseback through the streets of Nashville, an aristocratic lady, a Mrs. W., living in a fine, large house, stood at an open door or window, waved a rebel flag toward him, and cried: Hurrah for Jeff. Davis and the Southern Confederacy! The General reined in his horse, turned toward the lady, touched his hat with all the courtesy and suavity for which he is remarkable, and surveying the fine house from top to bottom with the eye of a connoisseur, quietly remarked: An excellent house for a hospital. In less than two hours, every room was full of sick soldiers, and Mrs. W. was politely requested to take kind care of them. We heartily congratulate her upon her blessed privilege of ministering to the needs of suffering patriots.
let this noble band, Joined now in heart and hand, Fight for our sunny land-- Land of the South. Armed in such sacred cause, We covet no vain applause; Our swords are free. No spot of wrong or shame Rests on our banner's fame, Flung forth in freedom's name O'er mound and sea. Then let the invader come; Soon will the beat of drum Rally us all. Forth from our homes we go-- Death i death! to every foe, Says each maiden low: God save us all! Ay, when the battle-hour Darkest may seem to lower, God is our trust. We have no cause to fear; Heaven is our shield and spear-- Welcome the bloody bier: Conquer we must. Sound, then, with loud acclaim, Davis, our chief's great name-- God save him long. May the Almighty power Blessings upon him shower, And still, from hour to hour, Shield him from wrong. Then, 'mid the cannon's roar, Let us sing evermore: God save the South! Ours is the soul to dare; See, our good swords are bare-- We will be free, we swear! God save the South! Richmond Dispatch.
Feb. 22.--At Louisville, Ky., about one o'clock P. M., the clouds, which covered the heavens but did not appear to be thick or heavy, assumed a singular yellow hue, and a seemingly preternatural darkness over-spread the land. Candles and gas-lights were brought into requisition. The strange phenomenon lasted fifteen or twenty minutes, and passed suddenly off. It is probable that this portentous gloom began and ended with the reading of Jeff. Davis's Inaugural Address. The Richmond sacrilege seems to have been enough to darken for a little while even the glorious birth-day of Washington. Louisville Journal, February 24.
rural simplicity were witnessed among the prisoners. A newsboy rushed on board the T. L. Magill, just arrived from Donelson, vociferously shouting: Here's yer mornin'papers. A stalwart Tennesseean shouted: Give me the Appeal. He really believed he could buy the Memphis and New-Orleans papers at Cairo, and when told they were not for sale, earnestly remarked: Why, the last time I was here, I bought all our papers here. Are ye afeard to sell ‘m? Another individual bought a ten-cent pie from a poor woman, and tendered her in payment ten dollars in confederate scrip, at the same time stretching forth his hand for nine dollars and ninety cents in change. The pastry-merchant declined the proffered bill; when the Southerner assured her: I took fur good as gold. It passes down our way right enough. A third prisoner having written a letter to his wife, got a Federal officer to direct it for him, and putting a Jeff. Davis postage-stamp on it, requested a sentinel to mail it for him.
The Nashville Banner says that Captain Robert J. Breckinridge, son of the great Presbyterian divine--Rev. Dr. Robert J. Breckinridge--is a candidate in the Eleventh district of Kentucky, for the Congress of the Confederate States. The father and the son, in this instance, are diametrically opposed to each other — the old man being for Lincoln, while the son is for Jeff. Davis.