Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 2, April, 1903 - January, 1904. You can also browse the collection for H. B. Dawson or search for H. B. Dawson in all documents.

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d his matchless service at the rail fence, and simply says this: ‘The British lay on their arms all night at Bunker's Hill, discharging their pieces against the Americans, who were safely encamped upon Prospect Hill at the distance of a mile!’ H. B. Dawson, historian and Englishman, who could never forgive Putnam for rending the American colonies from the British empire as he thought he did, and calls him ‘traitor’ and whatever else of the kind, does not even mention him or Prospect Hill after hnd which he certainly exercised then and on Prospect Hill, and the recognition and reinforcements which he received from headquarters while he was there, are so strong an argument that he was chief before, that such men as Frothingham, Ellis, and Dawson do not like to follow him thither and face the inevitable conclusion that he was also supreme commander of the American forces in the Battle of Bunker Hill, as he himself repeatedly said he was whenever occasion required him to say it; and as in
Corpus Christi, Cambridge, England16 Council of War, The89, 90 Court Manual, The15 Craigie, Andrew53, 56 ‘Cranberry Pickers, The’6 Cromwell's Falls50 Cross Street, Somerville44, 45 Cross Street Universalist Church26, 27 Cutler, John, Jr.35 Cutler, Nathaniel60 Cutler, Timothy40 Cutter, Edward43 Cutter, Fitch44 ‘Dame Schools,’ Charlestown60 Danforth, Samuel34 Dartmouth Street, Somerville44 D. A. R., National Society of7 D. R., Prospect Hill Chapter76 Dauphiny, France11, 12 Dawson, H. B., Historian97 De Mallet, Antoine10 De Molay Commandery101 Denmark10 Dorchester, Mass.82 Downer, Mrs. Roswell C.100, 101 Dows, Captain Jonathan63 Dows, Nathaniel38, 41, 61 Drake, Colonel S. A.87, 89 Dudley, Governor12 Duxbury, Mass.16, 62 Edwards, Thomas62 Elector of Saxony10 Elliot, Charles D.74 Ellis, Rev. George E., D. D.97 Emerson, Rev. John, Schoolmaster, 169139, 40 Emerson Genealogy, The40 Emerson, Nathaniel (Thomas)40 Emmanuel College, Cambridge, England 20