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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Medford Historical Society. Officers For year ending March, 1900. President. William Cushing Wait. Vice-Presidents. John Ward Dean, Lorin L. Dame, Rosewell B. Lawrence, Charles B. Dunham. Recording Secretary. Miss Jessie M. Dinsmore. Corresponding Secretary. Walter H. Gushing. Treasurer. Charles H. Loomis. Librarian and Curator Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Standing committees. Membership. Dr. J. E. Cleaves, Annie E. Durgin, Fannie E. Bemis, A. H. Evans, Geo. S. Delano. Publication. E. A. Start, W. H. Cushing, R. B. Lawrence, C. H. Morss, C. H. Loomis. Papers and addresses. David H. Brown, Katharine H. Stone, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin, John Ward Dean, Helen T. Wild, John H. Hooper. Historic Sites. L. L. Dame, W. C. Eddy, Ella L. Burbank, W. H. Cushing, John H. Hooper, Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer, Hetty F. Wait. Genealogy. W. I. Parker, E. Adelaide black, Eliza M. Gill, Ella S. Hinckley, Hetty F. W
ation of progress. The papers can be amended or added to, as desired, from time to time. The blanks being in duplicate, one copy can be retained by the member. the new Executive Board of the Society might be designated as an alliterative one: Dean, Dame, Dunham, Dinsmore, Lincoln, Loomis, Lawrence. Gleanings from interviews with the Nominating Committee before election: What shall you do about a Secretary? We shall give them Jessie. How are you getting on with the list of VicePrly discussed. The different committees then sat by themselves, and, after organizing, chatted socially about their lines of work. The evening was an enjoyable one. this Society has the distinction of numbering among its Vice-Presidents Mr. John Ward Dean, the Librarian of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, D. A.R., will give a loan exhibit of historic articles and relics in the Royal House, beginning April 19. an interesting talk on Heraldry w