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sense of loss to this organization. Fred. H. Kidder. Charles H. Loomis. March 1, 1902. John Ward Dean. The committee appointed to prepare resolutions in memory of the late John Ward Dean e following:— Again death has invaded our ranks and has taken the Nestor of the society. John Ward Dean was a charter member and was much interested in the organization of the Medford Historical S902. As a member of the Committee on Papers and Addresses he made many important suggestions. Mr. Dean will be known and remembered mainly by his connection with the New England Historic Genealogica in more than twenty-five Historical Societies in this country or in Europe From his boyhood Mr. Dean was greatly interested in American history and became a student of early New England history anhand to all seeking his assistance. Resolved, That in the death of our honored associate, John Ward Dean, the Medford Historical Society has lost a most loyal and devoted member, and the city of Me