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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dean, John Ward, 1815- (search)
Dean, John Ward, 1815- Historian; born in Wiscasset, Me., March 13, 1815; became librarian of the New England Historical Genealogical Society, and edited 9 volumes of its Register. He has also written Memoir of Rev. Nathaniel Ward; Michael Wigglesworth; Story of the embarkation of Cromwell and his friends for New England, etc.
roused that shall call for a full and complete history from competent hands, this book will not have been written in vain. It remains to return sincere thanks to all who have kindly assisted the compiler, and rendered his task a pleasant one; especially to Mr. Jonathan Brown Bright, whose researches into the early records of the town and its church history, published in the files of the Waltham Sentinel and Waltham Free Press, have been freely drawn upon, and who kindly listened to and revised many pages of Mss.; to Mr. George Phinney, editor and publisher of the Waltham Free Press, for many courtesies and for free use of the files of the papers named; to Mr. J. H. Colby for the use of a small volume of Mss. notes on the early history of the town; and to John Ward Dean, A. M., Librarian of the New England Historic, Genealogical Society, for the use of the fac-simile autographs scattered through the book. Charles Alexander Nelson. Irving Street, West Somerville, 22 February, 1879.
end under Master Caleb Brooks. Master Brooks was to receive forty shillings a month, and Master Davison four pounds and what he might obtain of his scholars in addition thereto. Of the character and personality of these two Medford schoolmasters nothing whatever has come down to us, so far as I have been able to discover. To them, however, belongs the proud distinction of being the only schoolmasters whose names appear on the records of the town previous to the Revolutionary War. Mr. J. W. Dean, librarian of the New England Genealogical Society, suggests, and he is probably correct, that Master Caleb Brooks was the father of Gov. John Brooks. From this time forward to the present day we may safely conclude, I think, that Medford has rarely been without its public winter school. Town meetings in which the subject of schools was to be considered, or meetings called for that special purpose, became frequent, and evidently the people were waking up to the importance of educati
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Medford Historical Society. (search)
C. Eddy, Walter H. Cushing, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin, Charles H. Loomis. Papers and Addresses. David H. Brown, Charles N. Jones, George E. Davenport, John Ward Dean, Charles H. Morss. Historic Sites. L. L. Dame, Miss E. L. Burbank, will C. Eddy, Walter H. Cushing. Genealogy. Allston P. Joyce, Miss E. Cushing, Mrs. Samuel. Cushing, Walter F. Cushing, Walter H. Cushing, Mrs. Carrie E. Dame, Lorin L. Dame, Mrs. Isabel A. Davenport, George E. Dean, John W. Dean, Mrs. Lydia E. Delano, George S. De Long, Rev. Henry C. De Long, Mrs. Louise G. Dennison, Edward B. Dinsmore, Miss Jessie M. DolDean, Mrs. Lydia E. Delano, George S. De Long, Rev. Henry C. De Long, Mrs. Louise G. Dennison, Edward B. Dinsmore, Miss Jessie M. Doland, Henry B. Dunham, Charles B. Durgin, Miss Annie E. Eddy, Will C. Eddy, Mrs. Rosalie S. Evans, Allston H. Fenton, Benj. F. Ford, Frederic W. Foster, George O. Foster, Mrs. Blanche. Gibson, George A. Gibson, Mrs. Ruth. Gill, Mrs. Ellen M. Gill, Miss Eliza M. Gill, Miss Emmna F. Gleas
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Standing committees. Membership. Dr. J. E. Cleaves, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin, Benj. F. Morrison, Geo. O. Foster, Miss Fannie E. Bemis, Miss Annie E. Durgin. Publication. David H. Brown, George E. Davenport, Charles N. Jones, John Ward Dean, Charles H. Loomis. Papers and Addresses. David H. Brown, George E. Davenport, Charles N. Jones, John Ward Dean, Charles H. Morss. Historic Sites. Lorin L. Dame, Walter H. Cushing. will C. Eddy, John H. Hooper, MissJohn Ward Dean, Charles H. Morss. Historic Sites. Lorin L. Dame, Walter H. Cushing. will C. Eddy, John H. Hooper, Miss E. L. Burbank, Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer. Genealogy. Allston P. Joyce, Miss E. A. Black, Miss E. S. Hinckley, Wm. I. Parker, Charles E. Larkin, Miss Hettie F. Wait. Heraldry. Benj. P. Hollis, F. H. C. Woolley, Charles B. Dunham, Dr. J. Edson young, William F. Kingman. Library and Collections. Miss Mary E. Sargent, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Walter F. Cushing, Miss Katherine H. Stone, Joseph H. Wheeler, Cleopas B. Johnson, Benj. F. Fenton. Historic Photographs and
n. The impress which the newcomers made upon the character, and especially the physique, of our population is favorably felt up to the present time. It remains that I should speak of the results of the work performed by the ship-builders of Medford. Rev. Abijah R. Baker, formerly pastor of the Second Congregational Church of Medford, delivered a discourse on this subject on Thanksgiving Day, 1846. The sermon was full of valuable information, and was published. Through the kindness of Mr. Dean, Librarian of the Massachusetts Historical and Genealogical Society and our respected associate, I have been permitted to consult a copy of Mr. Baker's printed discourse which is contained in the library of the society. This document gives a complete register of all vessels built in Medford from 1803 to 1846, with name of each ship, date of building, the yard in which it was built, builder, owner, and tonnage. This register was afterwards supplemented by Mr. Brooks, and brought up to 185
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Medford Historical Society. Officers For year ending March, 1900. President. William Cushing Wait. Vice-Presidents. John Ward Dean, Lorin L. Dame, Rosewell B. Lawrence, Charles B. Dunham. Recording Secretary. Miss Jessie M. Dinsmore. Corresponding Secretary. Walter H. Gushing. Treasurer. Charles H. Loomis. Librarian and Curator Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Standing committees. Membership. Dr. J. E. Cleaves, Annie E. Durgin, Fannie E. Bemis, A. H. Evans, Geo. S. Delano. Publication. E. A. Start, W. H. Cushing, R. B. Lawrence, C. H. Morss, C. H. Loomis. Papers and addresses. David H. Brown, Katharine H. Stone, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin, John Ward Dean, Helen T. Wild, John H. Hooper. Historic Sites. L. L. Dame, W. C. Eddy, Ella L. Burbank, W. H. Cushing, John H. Hooper, Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer, Hetty F. Wait. Genealogy. W. I. Parker, E. Adelaide black, Eliza M. Gill, Ella S. Hinckley, Hetty F. W
ation of progress. The papers can be amended or added to, as desired, from time to time. The blanks being in duplicate, one copy can be retained by the member. the new Executive Board of the Society might be designated as an alliterative one: Dean, Dame, Dunham, Dinsmore, Lincoln, Loomis, Lawrence. Gleanings from interviews with the Nominating Committee before election: What shall you do about a Secretary? We shall give them Jessie. How are you getting on with the list of VicePrly discussed. The different committees then sat by themselves, and, after organizing, chatted socially about their lines of work. The evening was an enjoyable one. this Society has the distinction of numbering among its Vice-Presidents Mr. John Ward Dean, the Librarian of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, D. A.R., will give a loan exhibit of historic articles and relics in the Royal House, beginning April 19. an interesting talk on Heraldry w
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Recording Secretary. Jessie M. Dinsmore. Corresponding Secretary. Walter H. Cushing. Treasurer. Benjamin F. Fenton. Librarian and Curator. Agnes W. Lincoln. Standing committees. Membership. Rosewell B. Lawrence, David H. Brown, Ellen M. Gill, Miss J. M. Dinsmore, Wilton B. Fay, Geo. S. T. Fuller. Publication. Charles H. Morss, Charles H. Loomis, L. L. Dame, Walter H. Cushing, Miss Helen T. Wild. Papers and Addresses. David H. Brown, John Ward Dean, John H. Hooper, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln, William C. Wait. Historic Sites L. L. Dame, L. J. Manning, Miss Hetty F. Wait, Miss Ella L. Burbank, Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer, Warren M. Archibald. Genealogy. Miss Helen T. Wild, Miss Ella S. Hinckley, Miss Hetty F. Wait, Miss Eliza M. Gill, W. I. Parker, David H. Brown, Gilbert Hodges, Fred. H. Kidder. Heraldry. Benjamin P. Hollis, W. H. Whitmore, Fred. H. C. Woolley, William F. Kingman,
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., Committee on Papers and Addresses. (search)
Committee on Papers and Addresses. Mr. David H. Brown. Mr. John Ward Dean. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Mr. John H. Hooper. Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin. Mr. William C. Wait. the Register sends greetings to its readers, with good wishes for a jolly Thanksgiving, a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year. Good-by till we meet again.