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The Daily Dispatch: December 31, 1860., [Electronic resource] 5 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for W. G. DeSaussure or search for W. G. DeSaussure in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], Citizens' State-rights ticket.-- Peachy R. Grattan, P. H. Aylett, Geo. W. Randolph. (search)
and prayed to God such might be the case; but, he asked, who was sure such would be the result? Certainly events at this time did not look so. He thought the blue ground and white crescent would make a much more durable flag. Mr. Yeadon said he was decidedly in favor of the green palmetto. He thought it should be adopted as an evergreen emblem of victory and glory. Mr. Rhett suggested that a green palmetto tree would be no more like the real palmetto than a white one. Mr. W. G. DeSaussure said green was an insuperable objection. It was not a fast color, and after exposure became a dirty yellow. Mr. Gary agreed with the gentleman from St. Phillip's and St. Michael's (Mr. Yeadon). As to the utility of the color, that had nothing to do with the question. The question was then taken, and the amendment was agreed to — yeas 49, nays 32. Formal charge of "treason" against Secessionists. A Washington dispatch to the New York Herald says: F. C. Treadwel