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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for R. H. Dibrell or search for R. H. Dibrell in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: November 18, 1861., [Electronic resource], General news items. (search)
Hustings Court.
--The Grand Jury, on Saturday, found true bills of indictment against the following named persons for issuing shinplasters:
A. P. Brown, E. Seman, Lucien Hill, C. H. Wynne, N. B. Hill, C. R. Bricken, S. P. Cocke, Thos. M. Alfriend, R. H. Dibrell, J. B. Winston, J. H. Gentry, R. D. Mitchell, J. B. Glazebrook, T. A. Parker, A. D. Williams, W. E. Johnston, I. D. Mercer, A. W. Richardson, A. S. Lee, A. Arsell, Jr., J. P. Hill, Geo. I. Herring, W. G. Dandridge, F. B. Hart, R. T. Reynolds, W. P. Parkins, S. Mason, D. J. Saunders, Thomas Lawson — several cases against each.
The Grand Jury also presented White & Riley, for retailing ardent spirits at the Theatre, without license.
William Burnes, for exhibiting faro.
Clara Coleman, fer keeping a house of ill-fame.
James Suliivan, for assaulting Catharine Croke.
Louisa Sunderland, for petty larceny.
The following cases were tried on Saturday:
John P. Hughes, for beating his wife, found guilty, and f