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Sent to jail. --Michael Sullivan was brought before the Mayor on Saturday for being in possession of a number of cotton-bags belonging to R. H. Dibrell, supposed to have been stolen; also a lot of pig metal, copper, and old iron, supposed to have been stolen from some unknown person. The defendant did not account for the possession of the articles, and a witness being introduced who identified a portion of the copper as that used in making Confederate percussion caps, he was committed foused in making Confederate percussion caps, he was committed for a further hearing. A witness in behalf of Mr. Dibrell proved that he lost annually about 2,000 bags by rogues.--Wm. McMillan, a member of the Latrobe Artillery, was sent to jail, to be called for by his officer. It appeared that McMillan was far better acquainted with the look-up than with artillery practice.--John Taylor, charged with exposing his person in the street, was committed for want of security for his good behavior.