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their contract; but that the officers in charge of the gas department had not been apprised of the true state of the case. The Recorder took the ground that as the gas had been turned off by direction of the inspector, an offence had been committed in turning it on without his consent, although he frankly confessed that the order for shutting it off from Metropolitan Hall should not have been given. The charge preferred against Edwin Wilson, of selling liquor without a license, was not fully sustained by the evidence, and he was therefore discharged. The evidence against Joe, slave of Maria Bullington, charged with stealing a lot of sugar from R. H. Dibrell's storehouse on Wednesday night last, not being of such a character as to connect him with the theft, he was discharged. Jesse, slave of Baldwin & Co., arrested for being out after hours without a pass, was ordered to receive ten lashes. Ben, slave of Robert Gilliam, charged with the same offence, was discharged.