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The Daily Dispatch: April 6, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 25 results in 11 document sections:

The Daily Dispatch: April 6, 1864., [Electronic resource], The military despotism in the United States--speech of Senator Saulsbury. (search)
, supposed to have been stolen, was sent on to the Hustings Court to be bound out to some responsible person. Warner, slave of Ro. F. Trower, charged with having a gold watch and chain, supposed to have been stolen, was discharged, and fifty odd dollars and a gold pencil found on him returned to him; but the watch was detained until something further could be learned about it. The negro produced a bill of sale for the watch, but there was no way of establishing its genuineness. R. H. Dibrell was charged with renting a room to Warner, slave of Ro. F. Trower, without the permission of his master. The case was dismissed, there lists no evidence of the facts except the negro's own assertion. John, one of the Government wagon drivers, was ordered to be whipped for driving his wagon through the streets at a furious rate and running over and breaking the wagon of Wm. Scott. Mary Smith, an old free negro, whose papers had not been renewed for eight years, was ordered to h