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The Daily Dispatch: November 18, 1861., [Electronic resource], General news items. (search)
Hustings Court.
--The Grand Jury, on Saturday, found true bills of indictment against the following named persons for issuing shinplasters:
A. P. Brown, E. Seman, Lucien Hill, C. H. Wynne, N. B. Hill, C. R. Bricken, S. P. Cocke, Thos. M. Alfriend, R. H. Dibrell, J. B. Winston, J. H. Gentry, R. D. Mitchell, J. B. Glazebrook, T. A. Parker, A. D. Williams, W. E. Johnston, I. D. Mercer, A. W. Richardson, A. S. Lee, A. Arsell, Jr., J. P. Hill, Geo. I. Herring, W. G. Dandridge, F. B. Hart, R. T. Reynolds, W. P. Parkins, S. Mason, D. J. Saunders, Thomas Lawson — several cases against each.
The Grand Jury also presented White & Riley, for retailing ardent spirits at the Theatre, without license.
William Burnes, for exhibiting faro.
Clara Coleman, fer keeping a house of ill-fame.
James Suliivan, for assaulting Catharine Croke.
Louisa Sunderland, for petty larceny.
The following cases were tried on Saturday:
John P. Hughes, for beating his wife, found guilty, and f
The Daily Dispatch: January 20, 1862., [Electronic resource], Newspaper accounts. (search)
Small notes.
--In the Hustings Court, on Saturday, Thomas M. Alfriend, indicted in ten cases, and R. H. Dibrell, indicted in ten cases, for issuing small notes, appeared and pleaded not guilty in cash; the Commonwealth's Attorney joined issue, and the cases were continued to the next term of the Court.
The Daily Dispatch: February 10, 1862., [Electronic resource], From the seacoast. (search)
Sent to jail.
--Michael Sullivan was brought before the Mayor on Saturday for being in possession of a number of cotton-bags belonging to R. H. Dibrell, supposed to have been stolen; also a lot of pig metal, copper, and old iron, supposed to have been stolen from some unknown person.
The defendant did not account for the possession of the articles, and a witness being introduced who identified a portion of the copper as that used in making Confederate percussion caps, he was committed foused in making Confederate percussion caps, he was committed for a further hearing.
A witness in behalf of Mr. Dibrell proved that he lost annually about 2,000 bags by rogues.--Wm. McMillan, a member of the Latrobe Artillery, was sent to jail, to be called for by his officer.
It appeared that McMillan was far better acquainted with the look-up than with artillery practice.--John Taylor, charged with exposing his person in the street, was committed for want of security for his good behavior.
Hustings Court, yesterday.
--Present: R. D. Sanxay, Senior Alderman; Jas. Bray, N. C. Lipscomb, Jno. W. Beveridge, and E. A. J. Clopton, Aldermen.
In the case of Edward Kelley, indicted for misdemeanor, a nolle prosequi was entered.
Michael Mahoney was tried for misdemeanor and acquitted by a jury.
Michael Sullivan gave $300 bail for his appearance at the next term for trial, for a misdemeanor.
Case of Sylvester Griffin and Charles Camp, for a misdemeanor, was called, but continued until the next term, on account of the absence of witnesses.
A case against Granville Montelle, for misdemeanor, was dismissed on payment of costs by defendant.
Stephen Page was tried for a misdemeanor and acquitted by a jury.
R. H. Dibrell was fined $10 and costs by a jury, on a conviction for putting in circulation small notes contrary to law.
For Hire
--Two excellent Servants--one a good Cook, Washer, and Ironer; the other a good House Servant.
Both are well disposed, and come well recommended.
Apply to R. H. Dibrell. my 14--3t*
For hire--two excellent Servants
--One a good Cook, Wether, and Ironer; the other a good House Servant.
Both are well disposed, and well recommended, Apply to R. H. Dibrell. my 11--3t*
Hustings Court Grand Jury.
--The following gentlemen were sworn in as grand jurymen for the fall term of the Hustings Court, Judge Lyons presiding:
John Purcell, foremen; G. F. Watson, George W. Smith, Miles George, Ambrose, Carlton, Wm. K. Watts, H. F. C. Baskerville, S. C. Greenhow, Edwin Wortham, Wm. Palmer, R. H. Dibrell, George T. Booker, John D. Quarles, Wm. F. Gray, George K. Crutchfield, Wm. S. Donnan, Samuel C. Tardy, N. C. Read, Wm. M. Allen, R. H. Maury, and Wm. Beers.