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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at Fort Donelson, Tenn. (search)
ett, and Lieut. Ezra King. Brigade loss: k, 184; w, 603; n, 66-853. Second Brigade, Col. W. H. L. Wallace: 11th Ill., Lieut.-Col. T. E. G. Ransom (w), Major Garrett Nevins (temporarily); 20th Ill., Col. C. Carroll Marsh; 45th Ill., Col. John E. Smith; 48th Ill., Col. Isham N. Haynie (temporarily commanding Third Brigade), Lieut.-Col. Thomas H. Smith (k); Battery B, 1st Ill. Lt. Artillery, Capt. Ezra Taylor; Battery D, 1st 111. Lt. Artillery, Capt. Edward McAllister; 4th Ill. Cavalry, Col. T. Lyle Dickey. Brigade loss: k, 99; w, 350; in, 98 = 547. Third Brigade, Col. Wm. R. Morrison (w), Col. Leonard F. Ross: 17th Ill., Major Francis M. Smith, Capt. Henry H. Bush; 49th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Phineas Pease. Brigade loss: k, 28; w, 105; m, 19 = 152. Second division, Brig.-Gen. Charles F. Smith. First Brigade, Col. John McArthur: 9th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Jesse J. Phillips; 12th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Augustus L. Chetlain; 41st Ill., Col. Isaac C. Pugh. Brigade loss: k, 69; w, 340; m, 20=429. Th
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at Shiloh. (search)
, Col. J. J. Appler, Lieut.-Col. Robert A. Fulton; 57th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Americus V. Rice; 77th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Wills De Hass, Maj. Benjamin D. Fearing. Brigade loss: k, 70; w, 222; m, 65= 356. Fourth Brigade, Col. Ralph Buckland: 48th Ohio, Col. Peter J. Sullivan (w), Lieut.-Col. Job R. Parker; 70th Ohio, Col. Joseph R. Cockerill; 72d Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Herman Canfield (k), Col. Ralph P. Buckland. Brigade loss: k, 36; w, 203; m, 74 = 313. Cavalry: 1st and 2d Battalions, 4th Ill., Col. T. Lyle Dickey. Cavalry loss: w, 6. Artillery, Maj. Ezra Taylor: B, 1st Ill., Capt. Samuel E. Barrett; E, 1st Ill., Capt. A. C. Waterhouse (w), Lieut. A. R. Abbott (w), Lieut. J. A. Fitch. Artillery loss: k, 2; w, 22 = 24. Sixth division, Brig.-Gen. Benjamin M. Prentiss (c). Staff loss: k, 1; m, 2 = 3. First Brigade, Col. Everett Peabody (k): 12th Mich., Col. Francis Quinn; 21st Mo., Col. David Moore (w), Lieut.-Col. H. M. Woodyard; 25th Mo., Col. Robert T. Van Horn; 16th Wis., Col. Benjam
part free. He had incorporated it in a speech at Bloomington in 1856, but in obedience to the emphatic protest of Judge T. Lyle Dickey and others, who conceived the idea that its delivery would make abolitionists of all the North and slavery propagam I said to him, What in God's name could induce you to promulgate such an opinion? He replied familiarly, Upon my soul, Dickey, I think it is true. I reasoned to show it was not a correct opinion. He argued strenuously that the opinion was a sountes reflection he rose and approached me, extending his right hand to take mine, and said, From respect for you Judgment, Dickey, I'll promise you I won't teach the doctrine again during this campaign. --Letter, T. Lyle Dickey, Ms., December 8, 186T. Lyle Dickey, Ms., December 8, 1866. Now, however, the situation had changed somewhat. There had been a shifting of scenes, so to speak. The Republican party had gained some in strength and more in moral effectiveness and force. Nothing could keep back in Lincoln any longer, senti
de at the commencement of a campaign, and apparently made for the campaign. Viewing it in this light alone, nothing could have been more unfortunate or inappropriate. It was saying just the wrong thing; yet he saw it was an abstract truth, and standing by the speech would ultimately find him in the right place. I was inclined at the time to believe these words were hastily and inconsiderately uttered, but subsequent facts have convinced me they were deliberate and had been matured. Judge T. L. Dickey says, that at Bloomington, at the first Republican Convention in 1856, he uttered the same sentences in a speech delivered there, and that after the meeting was over, he (Dickey) called his attention to these remarks. Lincoln justified himself in making then by stating they were true; but finally, at Dickey's urgent request, he promised that for his sake, or upon his advice, he would not repeat them. In the summer of 1859, when he was dining with a party of his intimate friends at
rder to penetrate the interior of Kentucky in the neighborhood of Columbus and towards Mayfield and Camp Beauregard. The expedition consisted of the Tenth, Eighteenth, part of the Twenty-fifth, the Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first and Forty-eighth regiments of infantry, Schwartz and Dresser's batteries of light artillery, Dollin's, O'Harnett's and Carmichael's companies of cavalry, attached to regiments; Schwartz's cavalry company, attached to my brigade, and five companies of Col. T. Lyle Dickey's Fourth regiment of cavalry, numbering of infantry, three thousand nine hundred and ninety-two, of cavalry one thousand and sixty-one, and of artillery one hundred and thirty-nine, rank and file, all under my command, and all Illinois volunteers, except Schwartz's battery of light artillery. The cavalry, which had crossed the river and encamped at Fort Holt, on the morning of the ninth, marched on the morning of the tenth to Fort Jefferson, Capt. Stewart with his company being in
o doubt, largely to the rout of the enemy. Col. Dickey, of the Fourth Illinois cavalry, during theommanding; the Fourth Illinois cavalry, Col. T. Lyle Dickey commanding; Capt. Ezra Taylor's Chicagot day, (the twelfth inst.,) I was joined by Col. Dickey's cavalry, and marched with my whole comman moving at the same time by the right road, Col. Dickey's cavalry reconnoitring the country as the vened between us and the enemy's position. Col. Dickey's cavalry was again thrown forward, and occn the ridge west of the valley, and ordered Col. Dickey's cavalry to move in rear, with detachmentsister's guns were distributed along the point; Dickey's cavalry were in the rear and on the right, tfired a Federal salute from Taylor's battery. Dickey's cavalry were so disposed as to cover all thehe cavalry of the brigade (Fourth Illinois, Col. Dickey) did excellent service in reconnoitring andy, Capt. Kellogg. Fourth Illinois cavalry, Col. Dickey. The Third brigade, as made up, is co
mmanding the division, I cheerfully commit the conduct of the Sixth brigade to his judgment and criticism. Every order was executed promptly, and nothing could exceed the order and firmness with which our entire line moved upon the enemy. Colonel Dickey and Lieut.-Col. Wilson, of the Fifteenth Ohio, being absent on account of sickness, the command of the regiment devolved on Major Wm. Wallace, who managed his command with promptness and skill, exhibiting throughout the bloody contest the higrs were few; they fought long and well, and suffered severely. They added yet brighter laurels to those they so dearly won at Donelson. I cannot fail to mention the gallant Major Nevins, who, though wounded, bravely performed his duty; and Adjt. Dickey, ever cool and courageous, rendered most efficient service. The noble, lamented Carter, Captain commanding company K, who, with his company, so bravely cut his way through the rebel cavalry at Donelson, was among the first to fall on this blo
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 122.-Gen. Sherman's reconnoissance on the Corinth (Miss.) road. (search)
ion. At that point I ordered cavalry to examine both roads, and found the enemy's cavalry. Colonel Dickey, of the Illinois cavalry, asked for reinforcements. I ordered Gen. Wood to advance the headshers were engaged. Taking it for granted that this disposition would clear the camp, I held Col. Dickey's Fortieth Illinois cavalry ready to charge. The enemy's cavalry came down boldly to the chast cavalry, it being miry and covered with fallen timber. As the regiment of infantry broke, Col. Dickey's cavalry began to charge with their carbines, and fell into disorder. I instantly sent ordeshoved them from the fire. I then advanced the entire brigade upon the same ground, and sent Col. Dickey's cavalry a mile further on the road. On examining the ground which had been occupied by therates wounded, and about fifty of our own troops. Not having the means of bringing them off, Col. Dickey, by my order, took a surrender signed by the medical director, Lyle, and all the attending su
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 153.-the Tennessee expedition. (search)
ederal city in the wilderness of Tennessee felt secure from a rebel surprise. The cavalry, numbering in all about two thousand, continued its road to Purdy. Col. Dickey, of the Fourth Illinois, was in command. We had enjoyed a few hours of pleasant riding since five o'clock, but now our prospects changed, and not for the bettearms was for once a welcome noise, and formed the only guide by which we kept together. At about twelve o'clock we came to a halt about two miles from Purdy, Col. Dickey fearing, and very properly, that the whole party would get lost before morning. As it was, a number of our men had abandoned the hope of being able to keep up f hours were in Purdy. They were disappointed to learn that about one hundred rebels who had garrisoned the place, had left just in time to save themselves. Col. Dickey sent a small force to skirmish two miles below Purdy, (there were three thousand rebels at Bethel, four miles below,) while another force destroyed the railroad
fire. Meantime the enemy's battery was sending its fiery messengers into our midst, two shells bursting within ten feet of our gun. The rebels had our range exactly, and served their battery admirably. The retrograde movement. At once Colonels Dickey and Lee discovered that the position was untenable, and that a force far different in character and strength from any they had anticipated was attacking us, and that a retrograde movement must be executed and speedily. Flanking parties and d a hasty retreat was ordered. So went the battle for two long hours. Up and down the wooded hills till night fell, and the moon shone out bright and clear to light the work of death, continued the struggle. Officers and men did nobly. Colonels Dickey, Lee, and Mizener, Lieut.-Colonels Prince and McCullough, Majors Coon, Love, and Rickards, and those under them, were everywhere exposed to the most galling fire, and personally directed the movements of their commands. One of Col. Lee's be