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Your search returned 6 results in 3 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: may 16, 1861., [Electronic resource], Foreign Arrivals in Hampton Roads . (search)
Foreign Arrivals in Hampton Roads.
--The British barque Volant, Capt. Torney, a regular trading packet between Belfast (I reland,) and Norfolk, and the Swedish brig Tyrus, Capt Hallgreen, also from the north of Ireland, came into Hampton Roads Tuesday morning, bound to this port.
Upon nearing Fort Monroe they were brought to in the usual way, and required to come to anchor under the guns of the blockading squadron.
After an interview with the officer in command, the masters of these vessels were permitted to dispatch a messenger to the city, under permit from Commodore Stringham, of the Minnesota, to report to their consignee, Richard Dickson, Esq., the fact of their arrival and detention.--Norfolk Herald.