; Colonel Penn, Captains Frank Clark and O'Connor, and Lieutenants Smith, Orr and Martin, of the Sixth Louisiana; Captains Herrin, Morgan and Harper, and Lieutenants Knox, Tarpey, Flower, Talbot, and Wells, of the Seventh Louisiana; Major Menger, Captain Hart and Lieut. Patterson, of the Fifth Louisiana; Colonel Hately, Lieutenant-Colonel T. B. Lamar, Sergeant-Major Anderson, of the Fifth Florida; Captain Gregory, and privates Hagin, Henry, Bryant, Parker, Strickland, Bateman, Yon, Barnett, Dillard and Martin, of company H, of the same regiment; S. B. Barnwell, Color-Sergeant of Oglethope light infantry, Fifth Georgia, about knee, and leg amputated; Captains Caracker and Carey, and Lieutenants Macon, Guy and Hubert, of Fourth Georgia; Major Randolph Whitehead, of Forty-eighth Georgia; Captain Charles Whitehead, of General Wright's staff; Major Harris, of Twentieth Georgia; and Colonel William Smith, (late Governor, and known as Extra Billy Smith,) of Virginia, badly.
Gens. Lawton's a
; Colonel Penn, Captains Frank Clark and O'Connor, and Lieutenants Smith, Orr and Martin, of the Sixth Louisiana; Captains Herrin, Morgan and Harper, and Lieutenants Knox, Tarpey, Flower, Talbot, and Wells, of the Seventh Louisiana; Major Menger, Captain Hart and Lieut. Patterson, of the Fifth Louisiana; Colonel Hately, Lieutenant-Colonel T. B. Lamar, Sergeant-Major Anderson, of the Fifth Florida; Captain Gregory, and privates Hagin, Henry, Bryant, Parker, Strickland, Bateman, Yon, Barnett, Dillard and Martin, of company H, of the same regiment; S. B. Barnwell, Color-Sergeant of Oglethope light infantry, Fifth Georgia, about knee, and leg amputated; Captains Caracker and Carey, and Lieutenants Macon, Guy and Hubert, of Fourth Georgia; Major Randolph Whitehead, of Forty-eighth Georgia; Captain Charles Whitehead, of General Wright's staff; Major Harris, of Twentieth Georgia; and Colonel William Smith, (late Governor, and known as Extra Billy Smith,) of Virginia, badly.
Gens. Lawton's a
Smith, George H., colonel: Imboden, John D., colonel.
Sixty-third Infantry regiment: Dunn, David C., lieutenantcol-onel; French, James M., major, colonel; Lynch, Connally H., lieutenant-colonel; McMahon, John J., colonel.
Sixty-fourth Mounted Infantry regiment (formed from Twenty-first [Pound Gap] battalion): Gray, Harvey, major; Pridemore, Auburn L., lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Richmond, James B., major, lieutenant-colonel; Slemp, Campbell, colonel.
Sixty-fourth Militia regiment: Dillard, John L., colonel.
Sixty-seventh Militia regiment: Cunningham, John F., major; Robinson, Israel, lieutenant-colonel; Sencendiver, Jacob, colonel.
Seventy-seventh Militia regiment: McDonald, Edward H., colonel; Simms, Gilmore F., lieutenant-colonel; Smith, Abraham, major; Vandiver, Joseph L., major.
Eighty-second Militia regiment: Blankenbeker, E. Finks, major; Carpenter, Simeon, lieutenant-colonel; Troyman, James W., colonel
Eighty-fourth Militia regiment: Dennis, Thomas C., col
nt Surgeon. Sept. 30, ‘63, 2d Alabama Battalion, Oct. 31, ‘63, no change.
Dismukes, J. L., Surgeon, passed Board Dec. 10, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘61, Tullahoma Division Hospital, Jan. 31, ‘63, Floater, Feb. 28, ‘63, Tullahoma Hospital.
Appointed by Secretary War, May 30, ‘63, to rank from Nov. 10, ‘62, reported to General Bragg Aug. 31, ‘63, Division Hospital, Sept. 30, ‘63. Oct. 31, ‘63, unattached, Dec. 31, Cleburne's Division Hospital, Feb, 29, ‘64, 33d Alabama Regiment.
Dismukes, T. T.
Dillard, J. S., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary War, Sept. 26, ‘62, to rank from July 16, ‘62, to report to Surgeon-General.
Ordered to report to E. A. F., Medical-Director, and by him to Lieutenant-Colonel Anderson, commanding 6th Texas Infantry, for temporary duty.
May 16, ‘63, ordered to report to F. A. Ross, Medical-Director.
Dixon, Jos. Edward, Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War, Aug. 26, ‘63, to rank from July 24, ‘63, reported to Medical Director