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then sang a humorous song in praise of the yacht America, the curiosity and astonishment of John Bull being represented by the chorus: Oh! where did she come from? New-York Town. Who's the Captain of her? One Mr. Brown: which the crew sang with great gusto. The satisfaction of the audience found huge and prolonged manifestation, and the jolly tar was called back. He sang the first verse of Uncle Sam is rich enough to give us all a farm, and retreated under cover of the applause. Wm. E. Dodge, Esq., gave a vivid description of the destruction of the Cumberland and Congress, which he witnessed from Fortress Monroe. He should never forget the shout which went up from the battlements of the Fortress when the arrival of the Monitor was announced. On the next day the fight between the Monitor and Merrimac shook the walls of the Fort. He never felt so strongly that the kind hand of Providence was guiding the destinies of this country as then. Had the Monitor known what the Merri