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Your search returned 1,183 results in 348 document sections:
Serious riot in Knoxville.
Knoxville, Tenn.,May 7.--A serious riot occurred here this evening, caused by hoisting a Union flag and the delivery of inflammatory speeches.
About twenty shots were fired in all. Douglas, a Union bully, a ring leader in the fight, was wounded, having received several shots.
An outsider, named Bull, was mortally wounded.
Capt. Washington Morgan, who is supposed to have shot Douglas, brought his company from camp to within a short distance of the city but wasriot occurred here this evening, caused by hoisting a Union flag and the delivery of inflammatory speeches.
About twenty shots were fired in all. Douglas, a Union bully, a ring leader in the fight, was wounded, having received several shots.
An outsider, named Bull, was mortally wounded.
Capt. Washington Morgan, who is supposed to have shot Douglas, brought his company from camp to within a short distance of the city but was prevailed on to return.
Intense excitement prevails in the city.
The Daily Dispatch: May 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Crack Regiment. (search)
Says a Washington dispatch,
"There is much sickness, in mild forms, among our men; such as diarrhŒa fevers and sunstrokes."
The Alexandria Sentinel learns on undoubted authority that the small-pox has broken out among the soldiers who are now quartered at the Capitol building, Washington.
The Connecticut regiment "suffered much with the heat" in marching from the arsenal to Washington.
Lincoln has commissioned Mr. Douglas as Major General.
It is known that he will accept.
In the new three years enlistment, as announced from Washington, Virginia is put down for two regiments.
The Northern papers are urgent in their demands for an invasion of Richmond by way of York River.
The orderly behavior of the soldiers every; where in Virginia is the subject of complimentary remark.
Rappahannock county has appropriated $10,000 for war purposes, and promised $10,000 more, if needed.
The Government Soup House has suspended.
Lincoln will entert
The Daily Dispatch: may 20, 1861., [Electronic resource], Arrival and departure of troops. (search)
Illness of Senator Douglas.
--Senator Douglas, we learn, has been confined to his bed with a severe illness, since his reception speech, at National Hall, two weeks since.--For a time he was considered in a dangerous condition, but he rallied on Saturday, and is now much better.-- Chicago Tribune.
Illness of Senator Douglas.
--Senator Douglas, we learn, has been confined to his bed with a severe illness, since his reception speech, at National Hall, two weeks since.--For a time he was considered in a dangerous condition, but he rallied on Saturday, and is now much better.-- Chicago Tribune.
The Daily Dispatch: may 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], Unlawful weapons. (search)
Senator Douglas Recovering.
Chicago,May 20. Senator Douglas is now improving, and he is considered out of danger.