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on sentiments are rapidly dying away all over this portion of Northwestern Virginia, and the people are becoming one in sympathy, one in desire, and one in heart, with a rapidity which is as astonishing as it is gratifying. I am not writing for sensation purposes, as I have certainly no desire to deceive any one. I am speaking facts, as I know them to exist, and as I have learned them from reliable and intelligent sources. A number of men, in this immediate vicinity, who voted for either Douglas or Bell, and who have been Union men all along, are now cooperating heartily with the Secession party, (Thank God for this change in their feelings.) A very sensible gentleman, who knows the people generally in our county, assured me this morning that at least one hundred changes had taken place in Taylor county during the past week. Instead of the news of the secession of our State having strengthened the Union party--as some false prophets had declared it would do — it bids fair to break