Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Douglas or search for Douglas in all documents.

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1.-- The undersigned offers his services to the public as a Hirer of Negroes for the ensuing year. His increased experience enables him confidently to promise those who engage his services, that their business will be attended to in the most satisfactory manner, and prompt returns made quarterly. References.--N. P. & T. C. Howard. Lee & Pleasants, L. R. Spiliman, John H. Guy, Attorneys at Law, Alvey & Lipscomb, Porter, Harris & Horner, Merchants. Dr. Thomas Pollard. Rev. Philip B. Price, Richmond; Col. B. Anderson, N. W. Miller, Dr. John Morris, Dr. G. W. Harris. C. F. Pope. Jno. S. Swift. Postmaster, John Woodson. Thos. J. Parkins, Goochland Co., Va., J. L. Crittendon, W. S. Embry, J. Joseph Downman, Fauquier Co., Va.; Geo. Hamilton. Culpeper Co. Va.; W. Lunsford. S. W. Skinker, James Fortres, Stafford Co., Va., Douglas H Gordon. Fredericksburg, Va., Col. M. M. Payne, O. S. A., Washington, D. C. Lucien Lewis, Office under Metropolitan Hall. Richmond, Va. de 15--1m
St. Louis advices to the 21st and Fort Kearney 23d, arrived at San Francisco last evening. The Secretary of State on the 3d inst. opened and counted the official returns of the late election, declaring the following result:--Lincoln 38,721; Douglas 37,964; Breckinridge 33,971; Bell 9,113; scattering 170: total 119,807. The people voted against calling a Constitutional Convention by a majority of only 173. The vote for paying the State debt was largely in the ascendant. This debtduct the water across a deep gulch into their ditch. David Seannell has been elected Chief Engineer of the San Francisco Fire-Department. The official vote of Oregon was as follows; Total vote 14,761; Lincoln 5.368, Breckinridge 5,067, Douglas 4,144, Bell 192. Lincoln's plurality 301. British Columbia dates to the 19th ult., per steamer Labouchere, arrived at Victoria on the 15th, from the Northwest coast. She brought a large number of furs. The Indians about Queen Charlot
e horrors of civil war, and said he would retire from the Senate if he thought the sentiments of the people of Ohio were truly represented by Wade. He concluded with the touching picture of the invisible hand inscribed on the wall, "Mene, mene, tekel Upharsin." The Chair announced the following committee under the resolution of Mr. Powell, referring the President's Message to a committee of thirteen: Powell, of Ky.; Hunter, of Va.; Crittenden, of Ky.; Seward, of N. Y.; Toombs, of Ga.; Douglas, of Ill.; Collamer, of Vt.; Wade, of O.; Bigler, of Pa.; Rice, of Min. Doolittle, of Wis.; and Green, of Mo. Mr. Davis asked to be excused from serving on the committee. Granted. The bill granting the right of way to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, was debated and made the order of the day for to-morrow. The Senate then went into Executive session and adjourned. House.--Mr. Delano asked leave to offer a resolution requesting the President to communicate from whom he rece