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the excitement and daring of the moment he disobeyed orders and hazarded an unequal engagement, most dearly has he paid for his fault. Let the brave sleep quietly. As I looked on his form, wrapped in the colors of his country, I could not but reflection the adventurous life he had led. To-day a poor boy sitting at the hand loom in Philadelphia — to-morrow trudging on foot over the West in search of a livelihood — and soon appearing on the arena battling his way to success with such men as Douglas and President Lincoln. Casting aside his hard-earned honors at the sound of the war trumpet, he is lost from sight only to reappear on the smoking heights of Cerro Gordo. With the return of peace winning all his honors back again, he is yet too restless, too intensely active to be content with the monotonous movements of organized settled society and goes to California. Still adventurous, he pushes on to Oregon, where his resolute will, energy, and ability make him so conspicuous that he