Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Douglas or search for Douglas in all documents.

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ance in some descriptions. mostly in Surate. Breadstuite were quiet. The English maintained their recent improvement. There was a slight Thoreau in the applications for discount in London, but the general market remained easy at 2 per cent. Censors rated on the inst., at noon, at $2-7-15. Poland and Hungary remained still disturbed. A slight modification of the French Cabinet has taken place. The reports the death of four distinguished men — the King of Pertugat, Sit How Douglas, Geoffrey Saint Hillaine and Major Von Arnim, one of the diddle officers in the Prussian army. Major Von Arm and night of the Prussian Order of the from Cross of the first class, which dissection he won as lender of a squadron of Prince William Dragoons at the battle of Waterloo, where he distinguished himself in the pursuit of the French, and by an impetuous ash captured a complete battery of artillery from Napoleon. A letter has been received in Baltimore, from an officer in the Fr
Northern Items. On Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Hunt, of Philadelphia, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. The venerable couple were surrounded by eight married children, thirty-three grand-children, and three great grand children. The family of the late Senator Douglas now live in the white cottage at Washington, his old residence, and near their mansion, in Minnesota row, vacated to be used as a hospital Mayor Cranston, of Newport, R. I. administered the oath of allegiance to one hundred and thirty-two midshipmen on board the frigate Constitution, on Tuesday. Fielder Cross, Esq., has died at Locust Grove, Prince George's county, Md., at the age of 92 years. He was said to be the closest white inhabitant in the county. It is estimated that there are in California 150,000 sheep. The wool clip the present year will not fall much short of five million pounds. Lieut. Russell, who distinguished himself by boarding the privateer