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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 12 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 8 2 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1 6 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 4 2 Browse Search
Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 3 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 17, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sherman's advance from Atlanta. (search)
as able to send over among the cypresses a brigade in boats. The Confederate division gave way and fled. Then shortly our bridge was laid on the main road and we marched on. Blair, who had returned from his furlough before we left Atlanta, crossed and kept the left bank of the Ogeechee, and Sherman usually accompanied him. Blair's knowledge and hospitality attracted him. So the armies went on meeting an increased resistance, but were not much delayed till we got to the Savannah Canal. Captain Duncan from my cavalry escort had carried Sherman's messages down the Ogeechee in a boat past Confederate guards and topedoes, and gone out to sea. He was picked up by a United States vessel and his message taken to the admiral. Hence navy and provision ships were waiting off the headlands, uncertain just where Sherman would secure a harbor. Owing to swamps and obstructed roads and Hardee's force behind them, we could not enter Savannah. Our food was getting low. True, Sherman had sent Kil
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Five Forks and the pursuit of Lee. (search)
f the advancing lines, and all was activity in pressing forward the good work. By Lieutenant-General Richard H. Anderson, C. S. A. From a photograph. noon, nearly all the outer line of works was in our possession, except two strong redoubts which occupied a commanding position, named respectively Fort Gregg and Fort Whitworth. The general decided that these should be stormed, and about 1 o'clock three of Ord's brigades swept down upon Fort Gregg. The garrison of 300 [under Lieutenant-Colonel J. H. Duncan] with two rifled cannon made a desperate defense, and a most gallant contest took place. For half an hour after our men had gained the parapet a bloody hand-to-hand struggle continued, but nothing could stand against the onslaught of Ord's troops, flushed with their morning's victory. By half-past 2 57 of the brave garrison lay dead, and about 250 had surrendered. Fort Whitworth was at once abandoned, but the guns of Fort Gregg were opened upon the garrison as they marched ou
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in the Appomattox campaign. (search)
th Ala., Maj. James M. Crow; 10th Ala., Maj. Louis W. Johnson; 11th Ala., Capt. Martin L. Stewart; 13th Ala., Capt. Samuel Sellers; 14th Ala., Capt. John A. Terrell. Weisiger's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. David A. Weisiger: 6th Va., Col. George T. Rogers; 12th Va., Maj. Richard W. Jones; 16th Va., Lieut.-Col. Richard O. Whitehead; 41st Va., Lieut.-Col. Joseph P. Minitree; 61st Va., Col. Virginius D. Groner. Harris's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. N. H. Harris: 12th Miss., Capt. A. K. Jones; 16th Miss., Capt. James H. Duncan; 19th Miss., Col. Richard W. Phipps; 48th Miss., Col. Joseph M. Jayne. Sorrel's Brigade, Col. George E. Tayloe: 3d Ga., Lieut.-Col. Claiborne Snead; 22d Ga., Capt. G. W. Thomas; 48th Ga., Capt. A. C. Flanders; 64th Ga., Capt. J. G. Brown; 2d Ga. Batt'n, Maj. Charles J. Moffett; 10th Ga. Batt'n, Capt. C. F. Hill. Finegan's Brigade, Col. David Lang: 2d Fla., Col. W. R. Moore; 5th Fla.,----; 8th Fla., Maj. Thomas E. Clarke; 9th Fla.,----; 10th Fla., Col. Charles F. Hopkins; 11th Fla.,--
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Defence of Fort Gregg. (search)
ns in the fort, conducted by a few Marylanders or Virginians, under command of Captain Chew, and a few Louisianians from the Washington artillery, under Lieutenant Mackelroy. The whole number of artillerists did not exceed twenty-five. Lieutenant-Colonel Duncan and his adjutant, of Harris' brigade, both of whom were wounded in the head and acted with conspicuous gallantry, had with them not more than twenty men. The remainder of the troops in the fort belonged to your brigade, numbering betweeonor and credit that they so nobly won. I fully concur with Lieutenant Snow in his statement concerning the number of men from Harris' brigade. I am pretty certain that there was only one officer instead of two from that brigade: his name was Duncan. He said he was lieutenant-colonel, but there were no stars or bars about him to designate his rank. The three pieces of artillery belonged to Chew's battery. He was captured and taken with us to Johnson's island. I am sorry that I am not ab
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The defence of Fort Gregg. (search)
he thought a dangerous position in front, sent his Aide to the General to recall his men to the two forts, Harris himself going into Whitworth, and Lieutenant-Colonel James H. Duncan, of the Nineteenth Mississippi, into Gregg. As the enemy advanced, McElroy was cautioned to have his ammunition as handy as possible upon the plaurg Times: Fort Gregg was held by the Twelfth and Sixteenth Mississippi regiments, Harris' brigade, numbering about 150 muskets, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel James H. Duncan, of the Nineteenth Mississippi, who had been assigned by General Harris to the immediate command of that work. The artillery in the fort was a sectupon both sides. The enemy pressing me heavily and out-reaching me on my flanks, I fell back upon Fort Gregg and Whitworth, the Twelfth and Sixteenth under Colonel Duncan, being ordered to Fort Gregg, and to hold it at all hazards. The Nineteenth and Forty-eighth were placed in Whitworth. In Gregg there was a section of the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Gettysburg--report of General Junius Daniel. (search)
en I received orders to move back into the town and occupy the position formerly occupied by General Ramseur (with O'Neal on my left). Some two hours afterward I received orders to move with my own and Rodes' brigade to the left of the town, a distance of about four miles, and report to General Johnson. In obedience to this order, I moved off at about 1 A. M. and reported to General Johnson at about 4 A. M., by whom I was immediately ordered into action to the support of Jones' brigade, Colonel Duncan commanding. I was at the same time notified that Colonel O'Neal would receive his orders during the day from General Johnson. In taking the position assigned me, the Thirty-second regiment was subjected to a heavy artillery fire in a much exposed situation, which, however, it bore with great courage and steadiness. On coming up with Jones' brigade, I found its skirmishers engaging the enemy at long range. The hill in front of this position was, in my opinion, so strong that it coul
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Defence of Battery Gregg. (search)
the first commanded by Captain A. K. Jones, the second by Captain James H. Duncan. I placed Lieutenant-Colonel James H. Duncan, of the NineLieutenant-Colonel James H. Duncan, of the Nineteenth regiment, in command of the two regiments in Battery Gregg. I placed the Nineteenth regiment, under command of Colonel R. H. Phipps, ad slowly. I rode to the front of Battery Gregg, and instructed Colonel Duncan to have plenty of ammunition brought into that work, telling hi. B. Craige (in same No., page 24) writes as follows: Lieutenant-Colonel Duncan and his adjutant, of Harris's brigade, both of whom were s only one officer, instead of two, from that brigade; his name was Duncan. He said he was lieutenant-colonel, but there were no stars or barinia, and by their decision we are willing to stand. Lieutenant-Colonel James H. Duncan, who commanded the regiments in Battery Gregg, surviv memory is loved and cherished by his surviving comrades. Captain James H. Duncan, who commanded the 16th regiment on that eventful day, a t
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 23: the fall of 1864 (search)
was closed with a palisade, and its ditch was generally impassable. On the right flank, however, a line to connect with Whitworth had been started, and here the unfinished ditch and parapet gave a narrow access to the parapet of Gregg. It was by this route that the enemy finally reached it. It was defended by Capt. Chew of the 4th Md. battery and Lt. McElroy of the Washington artillery, one gun each, and 62 dismounted artillery drivers; portions of the 12th and 16th Miss., under Lt.-Col. Jas. H. Duncan, and of Lane's brigade under Capt. Geo. H. Snow, 214 men in all. Fort Whitworth was open at the gorge and was held by three guns of the Washington artillery and the 19th and 48th Miss. until the final charge was being made upon Fort Gregg, when, by Lee's order, the garrison was withdrawn. The defence of Fort Gregg was notable, as was also the attack. The Federal forces were evidently feeling the inspiration of success and the Confederates the desperation of defeat. Several atta
should spare no effort to rescue our brothers from the hands of such savages, lest they become their victims. We now turn from these unpleasant subjects to others of a more agreeable character, which close the general correspondence of the Executive for the year 1861. On the twenty-sixth day of December, the Governor received a letter from the Executive Committee of the Soldiers' Relief Society of San Francisco, Cal., dated Nov. 30, enclosing a draft for two thousand dollars upon Messrs. Duncan, Sherman, & Co., New York, the proceeds of which were to be distributed among the wives, the children, the sisters and brothers, of the patriotic citizen-soldiers of Massachusetts. In acknowledgment of which, the Governor wrote a grateful and patriotic answer, which concludes by saying, that the Hon. Francis B. Fay, the present Mayor of Chelsea, and George W. Bond, Esq., an eminent merchant of this city,—both gentlemen of the highest integrity, large experience, and humane sympathies,—w
welve companies, of one hundred men each, and was commanded by Colonel Justin Hodge, U. S. A. It was ordered to Port Hudson, where it took an important part in the subsequent siege of that place. On the 24th of January, Captain Davis and Lieutenant Duncan were detached from the regiment, and ordered to report to the Provost-Marshal-General, Department of the Gulf, where they met with marked success, and were honorably spoken of by the general in command. Quartermaster Burrill was detached tth declared,— That we most earnestly desire peace, on such terms as would be consistent with the honor of our nation, and secure a permanent union of the States. The Republican Convention met at Worcester, on the 24th of September. James H. Duncan, of Haverhill, formerly a member of Congress, was chosen temporary chairman, and Thomas D. Eliot, member of Congress from the New-Bedford district, was elected permanent president. The address of Mr. Eliot on taking the chair was an able an