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oseph afterward came into the possession of the whole estate. These deeds contain the first reference to lands on the north side of the river as being connected with the mill on the Charlestown side. In the year 1710 Joseph Prout sold to Jonathan Dunster mill, mill yard, buildings and orchard one acre. Also one and three-fourths acres of meadow land on the north side of the river at the end of the mill dam. Also one and one-half acres of upland on the north side of the river at the end of tas above referred to, was built sometime previous to the year 1709, especially as the mills on the Menotomy side of the river were out of use, according to the report of the committee above quoted. The estate remained in the possession of Jonathan Dunster until his death in the year 1742, when it was divided among his heirs, his daughter Elizabeth, wife of Captain Philip Carteret, receiving the westerly portion of the Medford lands. In the year 1767 Mrs. Carteret deeded all her estate in Med