Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 15, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Dupre or search for Dupre in all documents.

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, Foote, Foater, Freeman, Gardenheir, Gartrell, Gentry, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge, Heiskell, Herbert, Hilton, Hoge, Holcomb, Holt, Johnson, Kenan of Ga., Kenan of N. C., Kenner, Lander, Lyon, Machen, Marshall, McDowell, McLean, Menees, Miles, Moore, Perkins, Pugh, Royston, Russell, Sexton, Smith of Ala., Smith of N. C., Strickland, Swann. Tibbs, Trippe, Vest, Villere, Welch, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, Wright of Tenn, and Mr. Speaker.--74. Noes.--Messrs. Breckinridge, Conrad, Conroe, Dupre, Harris, and Lyons.--6. Absent, or not voting.--Messrs. Arrington, Barksdale, Boteler, Burnett, Chambers, Chilton, Clarke, Davidson, Elliott, Gaither. Garland, Garnett, Goode, Hyer, Jones, Lewis, Mckae, McQueen, Mumerlyn, Preston, Ralls, Read, Singleton, Smith of Va., Staples, and Wright of Ga. Mr. Harris, of Mo., from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported back a bill to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Confederate States in the State of Missouri. The bi