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ies of soldiers in the Confederate service" It provides for an appropriation of $5,000,000 for the use of needy families of soldiers in the army. The bill was placed upon the calendar and ordered to be printed. Mr. Miles, of S. C., from the same committee, reported back Senate bill for the nay of claim and arrearages of deceased soldiers, with a substitute, differing from the Senate bill as to the manner in which said payments shall be made. After considerable discussion, in which Messrs. Dupre, Dargan, Weight, and others participated, the substitute was adopted. Mr. Miles also reported back the bill to provide for calling forth the militia during the present war, with a recommendation that the committee the discharged from its further consideration, which recommendation was concurred in. Also, reported from the same committee, a bill entitled an act to organize battalions of sharp- shooters. This bill was engrossed, read a third time, and passed. Also, from the
This motion was defeated by a vote of 32 to 46. The question then came up on the amendment of Mr. Crockett, when. Mr. Harris, of Mo., called the previous question, which being sustained, and the vote being taken, the amendment was agreed to. Mr. Cliff, of Miss., moved to amend the second section of the bill by adding "unless the parents of such persons are living, and shall give their written" "absent to his enlistment, before be is received." This amendment was adopted. The bill, as amended, was then read and passed to its engrossment, when Mr. Swann, of Tenn., moved a reconsideration; but the motion did not prevail. The bill was then put upon its passage, as amended and adopted. The Chair announced the following committee, under the resolution of Mr. Barksdale, to examines into the condition of the Navy Department. Messrs, Foote, of Tenn; Lyons of Va.; Barksdale, of Miss. Dupre, of La., and Boyce, of S. C. On motion of Mr. Dargan, the House adjourned.
iency of employing a complete corps of competent reporters and printers to publish substantially the debates and proceedings of this House. Not agreed to. Mr. Perkins, of La., offered a resolution that the Secretary of War be requested to communicate to this House the result and finding of the court-martial convened in the case of Quartermaster Hesse, and whether he is still in the pay of the Confederate States; and if not, the date of his dismissal from the service. Agreed to. Mr. Dupre of La., submitted a bill to amend the act with reference to the sequestration of the property of alien enemies. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Clapp of Miss., offered a resolution, that the Judiciary Committee be instructed to inquire what legislation, if any, is necessary in regard to person residing within the limits of the Confederate States who have taken the oath of allegiance to the Government of the United States since the commencement of the pending war. Mr. Ch
, Foote, Foater, Freeman, Gardenheir, Gartrell, Gentry, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge, Heiskell, Herbert, Hilton, Hoge, Holcomb, Holt, Johnson, Kenan of Ga., Kenan of N. C., Kenner, Lander, Lyon, Machen, Marshall, McDowell, McLean, Menees, Miles, Moore, Perkins, Pugh, Royston, Russell, Sexton, Smith of Ala., Smith of N. C., Strickland, Swann. Tibbs, Trippe, Vest, Villere, Welch, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, Wright of Tenn, and Mr. Speaker.--74. Noes.--Messrs. Breckinridge, Conrad, Conroe, Dupre, Harris, and Lyons.--6. Absent, or not voting.--Messrs. Arrington, Barksdale, Boteler, Burnett, Chambers, Chilton, Clarke, Davidson, Elliott, Gaither. Garland, Garnett, Goode, Hyer, Jones, Lewis, Mckae, McQueen, Mumerlyn, Preston, Ralls, Read, Singleton, Smith of Va., Staples, and Wright of Ga. Mr. Harris, of Mo., from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported back a bill to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Confederate States in the State of Missouri. The bi
Breckenridge, of Ky., offered a resolution, that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing, at different points in the Confederacy, asylums for indigent and maimed soldiers who have been discharged from the service on account of wounds or chronic disease. The resolution was adopted Mr. Conrad, of La., offered a joint resolution to provide a homestead for the officers and privates of the army of the Confederate States. Referred. Mr. Dupre, of La., presented a bill to increase the salaries of certain civil officers of the Government of Richmond. Referred to Committee of Ways and Means. Also, a resolution that the Committee on Post Offices and Post Goals be instructed to ascertain and report to this House the reasons which thus far have prevented the carrying of the malls from the states east of the Mississippi, to the State of Louisiana west of that river — and particularly that portion of the State south of the Red river,
of Representatives.--The House met at 11 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Read. Mr. Ayer, of S. C., from a special committee, reported a bill to fix the pay of Collectors of the War Tax in States which have assumed the payment of said tax. Mr. Dupre, of La., hoped the bill would not be considered until it could be printed and examined by members. It was apparent that the bill had been prepared under a misapprehension on the part of the committee of the real duties which had been performeda third time and passed. Mr. Kenner, of La., from the Committee of Ways and Means, reported a bill making appropriations for the month of January, 1863 and for deficiencies and other purposes therein named. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Dupre, of La., offered a resolution requesting the President to inform the House by what authority "Wheat's Louisiana battalion." which was mustered in for the war, has been disbanded, and its officers put out of commission. Resolution agreed to
" Mr. Herbert, of Texas, introduced a bill to increase the salaries of route agents for the mails, the sum to be paid to such agents not to exceed, in any case, $1,200 per annum. The bill was engrossed, read a third time, and passed. Mr. Dupre, of La., by consent of the House, introduced a bill to consolidate reduced battalions and regiments; which was referred to the Military Committee. The special order of the day — the bill reported by Mr. Russell, of Va., entitled "An act tundred dollars, shall be fixed at fifteen hundred dollars." Mr. Lyons, of Va., moved to amend by adding the following: "And the salary of the Private Secretary of the President shall be $2,000 per annum." The motion was not agreed to. Mr. Dupre, of La., offered a substitute to the substitute of Mr. Baldwin, which was rejected. The question then recurred upon the substitute of Mr. Baldwin, and it was adopted. Mr, Foote moved that when the House adjourns it adjourn to meet aga
t to equalize the salary of the Assistant Attorney General with that of other Assistant Secretaries and Chiefs of Bureaus. The bill was agreed to. The House took up the Senate bill in relation to the pay of clerks in the Departments. The House bad adopted a bill reported by Mr. Baldwin, of Va., for the bill of the Senate, and the Senate disagreed to the same. On motion of Mr. Baldwin, the House insisted on its substitute, and asked a committee of conference. Messrs Baldwin, Jones and Dupre were appointed said committee. The Chair laid before the House the bill to authorize the formation of volunteer companies for local defence, with Senate amendments. On motion of Mr. Chambers, the House concurred in the amendments. The Senate having returned the bill rejected in the morning, to authorize the Vice President to employ a secretary, the House took it up for consideration, and it was agreed to. Mr. Kenner, of La, from the Committee of Ways and Means, reported b
e opinion of this House, such guarantees of the debt of the Confederate States as may be made by the separate States should apply first to the bonds of the Confederate States which may hereafter be issued. Mr. Perkins offered the following, which was agreed to: Resolved, That the President be requested to furnish Congress with such portions of the correspondence between the State Department and our Commissioners abroad as can be made without detriment to the public interest. Mr. Dupre, of La., introduced a bill relating to the subsistence of officers and enlisted men. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Barksdale, of Miss., introduced a bill to provide for compensation to persons employed by commanding Generals as Provost Marshals from civil life. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Barksdale introduced the following bill to suspend the writ of habeas corpus: The Congress of the Confederate States do enact. That during the p
to the fair market value at the time and place of leisure." Mr. Hilton, of Fia., moved to amend the amendment by striking out the words "full and, " so as make it read just compensation, &c. This amendment was accepted by Mr Baldwin, and the question coming up upon the amendment as amended, Mr. Miles of S. C. called the eyes and were had as follows: --Messrs Arrington, Asha, Baldwin, Batton, Boyes, Bridges, H. W. Bruce N. M. Bruce, Clapp, Clarke, Clopton, Colder, Dejarne to, Dupre, Foote, Foster, Gardenhier, Garnett, Gartrall, Goods, Hanley, Heiskell, Herbert, Holcombe, Jeness, Kenan of N. C. Lyon, Marshall, Mensess, Miles Miller, Munnerlyn, Perkins, Simpson, Smith of Ala, smith of M. C. Smith of Va. Vast, Villers, Weight of Tenn, and Mr. Speaker--43; Note--Messrs. Barksdale, Burnett. Chambers, Conrad, Conrow, Carry, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Freeman, Garland, Graham, Gray, Harris, Hartridge, Hilton, Hodge, Kenner, Lander, Machan, McDowell MoRas, McQueen, M