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12th, which are, indeed, more nearly accurate than any that follow; although the "Associated Press" narrative, revised by Gen. Butler, is a weak attempt to gloss over a disastrous event: [From the Baltimore Sun, June 12th.] Old Point, June 10, 1861.--At a late hour on Sunday night Gen. Pierce, left with about five thousand men, a part of which consisted of a German regiment (Col. Benedict) from New York, and one of the Albany regiments, (Col. Townsend.) and the Zouave Regiment, Col. Duryea. The column was divided, and before reaching the Great Bethel bridge they met, and mistaking each other for the enemy, began a fight. The Albany regiment soon gave way and ran. Two were killed and nine wounded.--The mistake was then discovered, and the entire column was reformed and marched towards the bridge, where it was said some four hundred of the Confederate forces were lodged. On reaching the creek it was found that the Confederates had destroyed the bridge, but the whol
The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], [from another correspondent of the Sun.] (search)
revised and corrected by Major General Butler for the Associated Press: Fortress Monroe, June 10. --This has been an exciting and sorrowful day at Old Point Comfort. General Butler having learned that the Confederates were forming an entrenched camp, with strong batteries, at Great Bethel, nine miles from Hampton, on the Yorktown road, he deemed it necessary to dislodge them. Accordingly movements were made last night from Fortress Monroe and Newport News.--About midnight Col. Duryea's Zouaves and Col. Townsend's Albany regiment crossed the river at Hampton by means of six large batteaux, manned by the Naval Brigade, and took up the line of march, the former some two miles in advance of the latter. At the same time Col. Bendix's Regiment, and detachments of the Vermont and Massachusetts regiments at Newport News moved forward to form a junction with the regiment from Fortress Monroe at Little Bethel, at about four A. M. Col. Benedix's regiment arrived next,
comprising four 12-pounders, a detachment of United States artillery, with Lieut. Greble and other officers. A party of men belonging to what was known as the Naval Brigade was also quickly mustered for the purpose of conveying troops across Hampton Creek, which was done by means of fishing boats sent down on Saturday from the Susquehanna river. The detailed force of volunteers consisted of three regiments, viz: The Albany Regiment, commanded by Col. Townsend; the New York Zouaves, Col. Duryea, and the Seventh Regiment, commanded by Col. Benedix, with companies of other regiments, the whole comprising a force of nearly 3,000. The command moved at 12½ o'clock on Sunday night, with the Zouaves nearly one hour ahead, and owing to a most unfortunate misunderstanding in relation to signals, two of the regiments got into collision, when Col. Benedix's regiment, mistaking that of Col. Townsend for the enemy, fired into them, and did not discover their mistake until the dawn of day, w
The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Later account, direct from the Fortress — interesting details. (search)
on one side of the road, by which they had approached, and the principal portion of Pierce's command rushed into this wood, where they were formed for battle. Col. Duryea's Zouaves took a position in and behind a barn on the opposite side of the road, where the land was cleared, but Col. Magruder's artillery soon dislodged them, rted, was three men killed, and ten or twelve wounded, while the loss of General Pierce, is nearly or quite four hundred, in killed, wounded and missing. Colonel Duryea, and Captain Kilpatrick, of his regiment, are said to have bore themselves with marked bravery, and in vain attempted to induce their Zouave Regiment to maintuns under Lieut. Greble returning the intensely hot fire from the enemy's battery. After some time Gen. Pierce gave the order to charge on the battery, and Col. Duryea's Zouaves gallantly marched in quick time under a scorching fire up to near the ramparts of the battery, when a broad ditch intervened which could not be passed
e, after several bold assaults, were compelled to retire, which they did in tolerably fair order, their rear harassed by a troop of Confederate cavalry. The loss to the Federal troops was very considerable, but I cannot state the number. Col. Duryea's New York Zouaves had seven killed, forty-two wounded and four missing. The four other regiments, Albany, Col. Townsend; Steuben Volunteers, Massachusetts, Col. Benedix; Troy, Col. Carr, and First New York, Col. Allen, all suffered severely.-federates in the conflict is variously estimated at from eight hundred to twenty-five hundred, and was said to be an advance body from the forces at Yorktown. The Federal officers who particularly distinguished themselves for bravery were Col. Duryea, Lieut. Col. Warren, Col. Townsend, Maj. Davis, Lieut. Greble and Capt. Kilpatrick--all of whom, except Townsend and Greble, are attached to the Zouave Regiment, which went through the battle with remarkable bravery Captain Fitzpatrick was amo