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Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), IV. Cold Harbor (search)
and off goes Ricketts, at the head of his troops, bound for City Point; and also bound, I much regret to say, for the Monocacy, Monocacy Bridge — the scene of Early's defeat of Lew Wallace, which terrified Washington, and caused much consternation in the North. where I fancy his poor men stood up and did all the fighting. Frombulances! August 11, 1864 Sheridan has been appointed to command all the upper Potomac forces, which is saying that he is to command all the troops to drive Early out of the Shenandoah Valley. He is a Major-General, and is an energetic and very brave officer. This command, however, is a very large one, larger than he ever e same, and then detail it more at length afterwards. The Rebels got well alarmed about Hancock and sent reinforcements, recalling troops that had started to help Early in the valley; an important point gained. Hancock had some hard fighting to-day, with considerable success, taking several hundred prisoners and driving the enemy
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 7 (search)
Consequently, he was not able to rejoin the army until the end of September. Meanwhile, the gloom was lifting, that had settled on the North after the failure to take Petersburg. For Sherman's capture of Atlanta, and Sheridan's victories over Early in the Shenandoah, had somewhat changed the situation, although the Army of the Potomac still lay before Petersburg, where it hovered for many weary months.] Headquarters, Army of Potomac September 28, 1864 It is late; I am somewhat tired anwards the Boydton plank road and south-side rail. The strategic object was two-fold: first, to effect threatening lodgments as near as possible to these points, gaining whatever we could by the way; and, secondly, to prevent Lee from reinforcing Early. --Lyman's Journal. I never miss, you see. Rosey drew me aside with an air of mystery and told me that the whole army was ordered to be packed and ready at four the next morning, all prepared to march at a moment's notice. Thursday, September 29
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 8 (search)
, at Freeman's Bridge, a distance of from fifteen to seventeen miles. There a pontoon bridge was thrown and the whole command got over before daybreak the next morning, the advance getting that night to Sussex Court House. Meantime the enemy, getting [wind] of the move, sent off A. P. Hill's Corps, that evening, twelve hours after Warren. Hill went to Dinwiddie Court House, but what became of him thereafter, I have not yet learned. Their place in the lines was taken, I presume, by some of Early's men, who were nearly all come down from the valley and are helping Lee now. On Thursday Warren continued his march and struck the Weldon road, a little south of the Nottoway, in the afternoon, and immediately went to destroying the track and burning the river bridge. The work went on systematically: the line being halted on the road, the men stacked arms, and went at the track. Sleepers were torn up, and these, with fence-rails, made great bonfires, on which the rails were laid. Soon th
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 9 (search)
he point in the faintest degree, replied gravely: I don't know but I was. There was a heavy crowd of Hectors, I can tell you. Generals Meade, Warren, Wright, Parke, Humphreys, Ord, Gibbon, Ayres, Griffin, Rawlins, Ingalls, etc., etc. Very few ladies. After this a moderate collation, and so home to bed. March 13, 1865 We have a long telegram from Sheridan, dated Columbia (a small place on the James, between Lynchburg and Richmond). His raid has been a complete surprise. After defeating Early utterly at Waynesboroa, he met with no further opposition, but entered Charlottesville and destroyed the rail and bridges; then struck south and got to the James, where he destroyed all destructible parts of the Lynchburg canal, and continued the work as he marched down the river. If you will look at the map, you will see how important it is to break these routes, for they leave only the road via Burkeville Junction open to their great base, Lynchburg. The canal was especially important fo
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), Index (search)
tings, 244. Draft, quality of, 209. Draper, Simeon, 249. Dresser, George Warren, 253. Duane, James Chatham, 196n, 223, 257, 260, 289, 291, 293, 306, 339. Dutch Gap canal, 213, 233, 282. Earle, William, lieutenant-colonel, 49. Early, Jubal Anderson, 182, 185n, 190, 210, 216, 294, 320. Early, —, 36. Earthworks, use of, 99, 143, 240. Eaton, Amos Beebe, 248. Egan, Thomas Washington, 252. Ely's Ford, 86. Epps's house, 183. Eustis, Henry Lawrence, 33, 89, 91. Ewell, Richard SEarly, —, 36. Earthworks, use of, 99, 143, 240. Eaton, Amos Beebe, 248. Egan, Thomas Washington, 252. Ely's Ford, 86. Epps's house, 183. Eustis, Henry Lawrence, 33, 89, 91. Ewell, Richard Stoddert, 90, 93, 184; retreats, 45; suggests Lee's surrender, 354. falls,----, 212, 214. Farquhar, Francis Ulric, 138. Fay, Harry C., 213. Ferrero, Edward, 102, 310; described, 180; anecdote, 212. Fessenden, Francis, 248. Fessenden, William Pitt, 249, 259. Field, Charles W., 360. Fitzhugh, Norman R., 286. Flag of truce, 149, 170. Flint, Edward A., 278, 311. Forbes's naked-eyed Medusa, 226. Forsyth, James William, 357. Fort Fisher, 316. Fort Harrison, 281. Fort Stedman, 3
ed at West Point in 1837 in the same class with Jubal A. Early and Braxton Bragg. Having fought through the M and W. H. Emory. In the campaign against Lieutenant-General Early (June-October, 1864), the two divisions (aeridan, in August, 1864, in order to drive Lieutenant-General Early from the Shenandoah valley. It consisted the Eighth Army Corps and was defeated by Lieutenant-General Early at the Monocacy. He resigned from the arm 1863. He went to the defense of Washington against Early with the Nineteenth Corps in July, 1864. Resigning ry, where he successfully held out against Lieutenant-General Early. In July, 1864, he was relieved from his Shenandoah valley to assist in the campaign against Early. He received the rank of major-general of volunteerhen it held the outer line of works during Lieutenant-General Early's attack on Washington, July 12, 1864. Th the head of the Army of the Shenandoah and defeated Early at Cedar Creek. In December, 1864, he was made majo
earned the sobriquet Lee's Warhorse. Jubal Anderson Early modest in victory, undaunted by defeat,Corps. The corps was commanded by Lieutenant-General J. A. Early in the Shenandoah campaign of 1864ent to the Shenandoah valley under Lieutenant-General J. A. Early, he was in command of the defensesnnessee, January 25, 1872. Lieutenant-General Jubal Anderson Early (U. S.M. A. 1837) was born was prominent in the Second Army Corps during Early's campaign in the Shenandoah valley. He was aion of artillery to the assistance of Lieutenant-General Early in the Shenandoah, remaining there aba through all its campaigns, including that of Early in the Shenandoah in 1864, where he was woundet Cold Harbor, and was second in command under Early in the Shenandoah. From February 6, 1865, to sylvania, and as major-general he succeeded to Early's division, when the latter was placed at the Corps. He went to the Shenandoah valley with Early, and after taking a prominent part in all the
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), General officers of the Confederate Army: a full roster compiled from the official records (search)
863. Forrest, N. B., Feb. 28, 1865. Hampton, Wade, Feb. 14, 1865. Hardee, Wm. J., Oct. 10, 1862. Hill, Ambrose P., May 24, 1863. Hill, Daniel H., July 11, 1863. Holmes, T. H., Oct. 13, 1862. Jackson, T. J., Oct. 10, 1862. Lee, Stephen D., June 23, 1864. Longstreet, James, Oct. 9, 1862. Pemberton, J. C., Oct. 10, 1862. Polk, Leonidas, Oct. 10, 1862. Taylor, Richard, April 8, 1864. Lieutenant-generals, provisional army (with temporary rank) Anderson, R. H., May 31, 1864. Early, Jubal A., May 31, 1864. Stewart, A. P., June 23, 1864. Major-generals, provisional army Anderson, J. P., Feb. 17, 1864. Bate, William B., Feb. 23, 1864. Bowen, John S., May 25, 1863. Breckinridge, J. C., Apr. 14, 1862. Butler, M. C., Sept. 19, 1864. Cheatham, B. F., Mar. 10, 1862. Churchill, T. J., Mar. 17, 1865. Crittenden, G. B., Nov. 9, 1861. Cleburne, P. R., Dec. 13, 1862. Cobb, Howell, Sept. 9, 1863. Donelson, D. S., Jan. 17, 1863. Elzey, Arnold, Dec. 4, 1862. Fagan, James
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Antietam, battle of. (search)
constantly increasing numbers on his front; and the National line began to waver, when Hooker, in the van, was wounded and taken from the field. Sumner sent Sedgwick to the support of Crawford, and Gordon and Richardson and French bore down upon the Confederates more to the left. The Nationals now held position at the Dunker Church, and seemed about to grasp the palm of victory (for Jackson and Hood were falling hack), when fresh Confederate troops, under McLaws and Walker, supported by Early, came up. They penetrated the National line and drove it back, when the unflinching Doubleday gave them such a storm of artillery that they, in turn, fell back to their original position. Sedgwick, twice wounded, was carried from the field, and the command of his division devolved on Gen. O. O. Howard. Generals Crawford and Dana were also wounded. Franklin was sent over to assist the hard-pressed Nationals. Forming on Howard's left, he sent Slocum with his division towards the centre. At
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cedar Creek, battle of. (search)
ar in the hands of the Confederates. Emory tried in vain to stop the fugitives, but very soon his own corps gave way, leaving several guns behind. These, with Crook's, eighteen in all, were turned upon the fugitives with fearful effect, while Early's right column, led by Gordon, continued their flanking advance View at Cedar Creek battle-ground. with vigor, turning the Nationals out of every position where they attempted to make a stand. Seeing the peril of his army, Wright ordered a gvered by the 6th Corps, under the command of Ricketts, which remained unbroken. The whole army retreated to Middletown, a little village 5 miles north of Strasburg, where Wright rallied his broken columns, and, falling back a mile or more, left Early in possession of Middletown. The Nationals had lost since daybreak (it was now ten o'clock) 1,200 men made captive, besides a large number killed and wounded; also camp equipage, lines of defence, and twenty-four cannon. There being a lull in t