Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 17, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Early or search for Early in all documents.

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Found dead --Early yesterday morning the body of an Irishman named Patrick O'Brien was found at the foot of the embankment on Broad street near the Central Depot. He had been drinking the evening previous, and the presumption is that in a of intoxication he had fallen down the embankment and was too much overcome to recover himself, and died from exposure. The deceased was formerly employed at the Medical College in his city.
tion, the bill was laid upon the table. Mr Sparrow, from the Committee of Military Affairs, reported a bill to provide for the arrest of soldiers absent from their commands without leave, and providing compensation for their captors.--Placed upon the calendar and ordered to be printed. At the conclusion of Mr. Wigfall's speech, the Senate went into secret session, and soon after adjourned. House of Representatives.--The House met at 12 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by Bishop Early, of the M. E. Church. The Speaker laid before the House a report from the Attorney General of the Confederate States upon certain claims field in that Department. Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Mr. Miles, of S. C., asked a suspension of the rales with a view to make a report from the Committee on Military Affairs of two Senate bill referred to that committee. The motion to suspend the rules did not prevail. Mr. Hilton, of Pa, moved that when the House adjour