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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 3 3 Browse Search
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e currency.--The following, published in a rebel paper, shows the manner in which the depreciated confederate currency operated on the rebels themselves: Mr. Editur, Sur: At this time I ain't as much in favor of soft money as I was. I don't want to raise no rumpus nor hurt nobody's feelings, but somehow I'm injured from pekoney, I'll pay you four per cent interest. If you won't do it, I'll repudiate one third of the debt, and I won't take any of it for what you owe me for taxes. Mr. Editur, it didn't take two to make that bargain — it only took one. I hurried off to the Agency and consolidated. They took my money and give me a little sickly scra. Trenhome thinks so, he'll buy Mrs. Arp a cow, and show his faith by his works. In the language of Mr. Milton: I don't want nothing but what's right. Yours trooly, bill Arp. P. S.--Mr. Editur: If you think the above will be any comfort to Joe Brown, just leave all the last part out of the paper you send to him. B. A.