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awake him to glory again, till the summons of the great Judge, announcing to him the reward of the faithful soldier, who has fought the good fight. Patton, Otey, and Terry, who, but a moment since, stood at their respective regiments, are wounded. The brave Hunton, hero of Leesburgh, most worthy successor of the noble Garnett, Stewart, and Gant, lies wounded. Carrington, his gallant regiment shattered, stands firmly, flaunting defiantly his colors in the very face of the enemy. Allen and Ellis killed. Hodges, too, has fallen, and the modest, chivalrous Edmunds lies numbered with the noble dead; Aylett wounded, and Magruder has gone down in the shock of battle. The fight goes on — but few are left; and the shrinking columns of the enemy gain confidence from the heavy reenforcements advanced to their support. They, too, are moving in large force on the right flank. This division, small at first, with ranks now torn and shattered, most of its officers killed or wounded, no valor
tes of America. On the motion of the writer of this, the resolution appointing commissioners to Montgomery was amended so as to instruct them to act only as mediators, and use every effort possible to restore the Union upon the basis of the Crittenden propositions as modified by the Legislature of Virginia. The commissioners under these instructions were the Hon. D. L. Swain, General M. W. Ransom, and John L. Bridgers, Esq., who, upon their return, submitted a report to his Excellency, Governor Ellis, which was by him laid before the Legislature, and was printed among the legislative documents of that year, where it may be consulted. In this report they say that they had the most ample opportunities of ascertaining public opinion in the Cotton States, and then add: We regret to be constrained to state, as the result of our inquiries, made under such circumstances, that only a very decided minority of the community in these States are disposed, at present, to entertain favorably any
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Richmond scenes in 1862. (search)
mmer's experience. When the tide of battle receded, what wrecked hopes it left to tell the tale of the Battle Summer! Victory was ours, but in how many homes was heard the voice of lamentation to drown the shouts of triumph! Many families, rich and poor alike, were bereaved of their dearest; and for many of the dead there was mourning by all the town. No incident of the war, for instance, made a deeper impression than the fall in battle of Colonel Munford's beautiful and brave young son, Ellis, whose body, laid across his own caisson, was carried that summer to his father's house at nightfall, where the family, unconscious of their loss, were sitting in cheerful talk around the portal. Another son of Richmond, whose death was keenly felt by everybody, received his mortal wound at the front of the first charge to break the enemy's line at Gaines's Mill. This was Lieutenant-Colonel Bradfute Warwick, a young hero who had won his spurs in service with Garibaldi. Losses like these a
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
at distinction, would have entitled them to it, were authorized to wear a bar attached to the ribbon by which the medal is suspended: John Cooper, Patrick Mullen. the following persons, whose names appear on the above list, forfeited their Medals by bad conduct: Joseph Brown, John Brazell, Frank Lucas, John Jackson, Clement Dees, Charles Robinson, John Martin, Richard Bates. the number lost by the Confederates was large, but was never ascertained. Only one of the Confederate vessels (the Ellis) was saved from destruction; and it was with difficulty that the town was preserved, for the insurgents, when they abandoned their vessels, set fire to it in several places. It was a most barbarous act, for only a few defenseless women and children remained in the town. These at once experienced the humanity of the Nationals, who showed them every kindness, when, on the following day, Feb. 11, 1862. they took possession of the place. this success was followed up by other movements for
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
nth, Thirty-first, and Thirty-eighth Ohio. Disposition was made early the next morning to assault the Confederate intrenchments, when it was ascertained that the works were abandoned. The beleaguered troops had fled in silence across the river, under cover of the darkness, abandoning every thing in their camp, and destroying the steamer Noble Ellis (which had come up the river with supplies), and three flat-boats, which had carried them safely over the stream. Some accounts say that the Ellis was set on fire by the shells of the Nationals, but the preponderance of testimony is in favor of the statement in the text. The Confederates hoped to prevent immediate pursuit by leaving-nothing on which their foe could cross the river. The Confederates suffered terribly in their retreat. Since Saturday night, wrote one of their officers, we had but an hour of sleep, and scarcely a morsel of food. For a whole week we have been marching under a bare subsistence, and I have at length ap
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
of supply and re-enforcements. He captured here and there squads of Missouri recruits for Price's army; fought the halting Confederates at the strong positions of Sugar Creek, Here, on the 20th of February, some of Curtis's cavalry, under Colonel Ellis, and Majors McConnell, Wright, and Bolivar, made a desperate charge on a brigade of Louisianians, under Colonel Hubert. Two regiments of infantry, under Colonels Phelps and Heron, and Captain Hayden, with his Dubuque Battery, followed in suppvery difficult. At about half-past 10 in the morning, March 7, 1862. Colonel Osterhaus was sent out with a detachment of the Third Iowa cavalry and some light artillery (Davidson's Peoria Battery), supported by the First Missouri cavalry, Colonel Ellis, and Twenty-second Indiana, Colonel Hendricks, to fall upon Van Dorn's center before he could fully form in battle order. Just as this movement had commenced, and Curtis was giving instructions to division commanders at Asboth's tent, word c
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
r carry out the instructions of General McClellan by leading a force against Fort Macon, that commanded the important harbor of Beaufort, North Carolina, and Bogue Sound. Having gained possession of which [New Berne], and the railroad passing through it, you will at once throw a sufficient force upon Beaufort, and take the steps necessary to reduce Fort Macon and open that port. --McClellan's Instructions, January 7th, 1862. That fort, with others, it will be remembered, was seized by Governor Ellis, early in 1861, See page 161, volume I. before the so-called secession of the State. Its possession by the Government would secure the use of another fine harbor on the Atlantic coast to the National vessels engaged in the blockading and other service, an object of great importance. It stands upon a long spit or ridge of sand, cast up by the waves, called Bogue Island, and separated from the main by Bogue Sound, which is navigable for small vessels. At the head of the deeper part o
.105. Forts in Alabama, seizure of, 1.174. Forts in Florida, condition of, 1.361. Forts in Georgia, seizure of, 1.179. Forts at Knoxville (note), 3.175. Forts in Louisiana, seizure of, 1.181. Forts in North Carolina, seized by Gov. Ellis, 1.161. Forts in Southern States, seizure of urged by con; spirators, 1.154; names and location of those seized (note), 1.298. Forts in Texas, surrendered by Gen. Twiggs, 1.270. Forward to Richmond, popular cry of, 1.574, 579 (and note. Nor.folk, history of the destruction of the navy-yard at, 1.392-1.398; Gen. Wool's operations against, 2.387; surrender of, 2.388. North Anna, battle of the, 3.326. North Carolina, secession movements in, 1.62; seizure of forts in by Gov. Ellis, 1.161; efforts made to force into rebellion, 1.198; ordinance of secession adopted in, 1.385; blockade extended to the forts of 1.451; attempt to establish loyal government in, 2.110; Burnside's operations on the coast of, 2.166-2.175; addres
eside prisoners, hardly exceeded 200, including Maj. Carmichael, killed, and Col. Avery, captured. Gen. Burnside, having undisturbed possession of Newbern, sent Gen. Parke March 20. with his brigade, 3,500 strong, southwestward to the coast, where he occupied March 23. Morehead City without resistance; as also the more important village of Beaufort, across the inlet known as Newport river; and proceeded to invest Fort Macon, a regular fortress of great cost and strength, seized by Gov. Ellis before the secession of the State. See Vol. I., p. 411. This work stands on an island, or rather ocean sand-bank, whence it looks off on the broad Atlantic, and commands the entrance to the Newport river. It is approached from the land with much difficulty, but was soon invested, and a regular siege commenced, April 11. its pickets driven in, and a good position for siege-guns obtained within fair distance, while the fleet menaced it on the side of the ocean. All being at length i
good; but this legislation disregards these distinctions and upturns the whole system of government when it converts the State militia into National forces, and claims to use and govern them as such. If, then, the Governors of the States, or of most of them, should see fit to respond to the President's requisitions as Gov. Caleb Strong, of Massachusetts, did to those of President Madison in 1813-14, and as Govs. Letcher, See Vol. I., pp. 459-60. The Democratic Governors were a unit. Ellis, Harris, Magoffin, Jackson, and Burton, did to President Lincoln's requisitions in 1861, the Federal authority may be successfully defied, and what Mr. Jefferson Davis terms the dissolution of a league secured. It were absurd to contend that judges who so held were opposed, either in principle or in sympathies, to the cause, or at least to the ethics, of Secession. The Constitution of the United States (Art. I., § 9) prescribes that The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall