Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 30, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. Elphinstone or search for J. Elphinstone in all documents.

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on the 12th of June, Mr. Clay asked if the attention of the Government had been directed to the repeated interferences of the United States cruisers with British vessels in the West Indies, and particularly to the case of the steamer Circassian, captured in central waters, while bound from St. Thomas to Havana, and within twenty miles of port? Mr. Layard could not give an answer at present, the case of the Circassian being under consideration of the law officers of the Crown. Sir J. Elphinstone asked if the Government had any information of a Federal steamer having fired into an English and a French steamer, killing the captain of the latter, news to that effect having been received at Lloyd's. Lord Palmerston had no information on the subject. In the House of Lords on the 13th of June Earl Carnarvon called attention to General Butler's proclamation relative to the ladies of New Orleans. He condemned it in severe terms, as without precedent in the annals of mar, an