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Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches 210 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 190 2 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature 146 0 Browse Search
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters 138 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's laugh and other surprises 96 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 84 0 Browse Search
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 68 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 64 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 57 1 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 55 1 Browse Search
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Your search returned 96 results in 16 document sections:

Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 1: Margaret Fuller Ossoli — Introductory. (search)
ened that Margaret Fuller had upon me, through her writings, a more immediate intellectual influence than any one except Emerson, and possibly Parker. All this guarantees that warm feeling of personal interest, without which no memoir can be well wublication of the Memoirs, --and to which I have referred always as the Fuller Mss. ; (2) Margaret Fuller's letters to Mr. Emerson, kindly lent me by Mr. Emerson's executors; (3) her letters to Dr. F. H. Hedge, lent me by himself; (4) those to the HMr. Emerson's executors; (3) her letters to Dr. F. H. Hedge, lent me by himself; (4) those to the Hon. A. G. Greene, of Providence, R. I., sent me by his daughter, Mrs. S. C. Eastman, of Concord, N. H.; (5) those to the Hon. George T. Davis, shown to me by his son, James C. Davis, Esq.; (6) many letters and papers of different periods, sent to meen some aid, especially Horace Greeley's Recollections of a busy life, Weiss's Life of Theodore Parker, and the Carlyle-Emerson correspondence; but the main reliance has necessarily been placed on material not hitherto made public; and to all the f
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 4: country life at Groton. (1833-1836.) (search)
sor Farrar; read in Schiller, Heine, Alfieri, Bacon, Madame de Stael, Wordsworth, and Southey; with Sartor Resartus and some of Carlyle's shorter essays; besides a good deal of European and American history, including all Jefferson's letters. Mr. Emerson says justly that her reading at Groton was at a rate like Gibbon's. All this continuous study was not the easy amusement of a young lady of leisure; but it was accomplished under such difficulties and preoccupations that every book might ad rather you would take two hundred dollars from my portion, than feel even the least unwilling. Will you not write to me immediately, and say you love me, and are very glad I am to be so happy?? It was very unkind in Mr. Robinson to have Mr. Emerson [preach] during my absence. I think I shall join Richard and Arthur in attending Mr. Kittredge's [church]. I must write a few words to mother, so adieu, from Your most affectionate daughter, M. Fuller Mss. i. 153. Fathers are fortuna
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 5: finding a friend. (search)
Chapter 5: finding a friend. The personal influence of Ralph Waldo Emerson was so marked, during Miss Fuller's early career, that a separate chapter may well be devoted to delineating it. The first trace of him that I have found among her voluminous papers is this from one of her lively and girlish letters to Mrs. Barlow, dated October 6, 1834. She describes an interview with the Rev. Dr. Dewey, who was, with herself, a guest at Mrs. Farrar's in Cambridge, and adds:-- He spoke with admiration of the Rev. W. Emerson, that only clergyman of all possible clergymen who eludes my acquaintance. But n'importe! I keep his image bright in my mind. Fuller Mss. i. 17. Again, she writes to another correspondent about the same time-- I cannot care much for preached elevation of sentiment unless I have seen it borne out by some proof, as in case of Mr. Emerson. It is so easy for a cultivated mind to excite itself with that tone! Fuller Mss. III. 281. More than a month lat
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 6: school-teaching in Boston and Providence. (1837-1838.) (search)
be prosecuted for blasphemy, as Abner Kneeland had lately been. To this Mr. R. W. Emerson wrote an indignant reply, asserting that Mr. Alcott's only offense lay inon to his bold choice of an assistant, he invoked the rising prestige of Ralph Waldo Emerson, inviting him to give an address at the dedication of the Academy (Satur Margaret Fuller was ill for a time after reaching Providence, and wrote to Mr. Emerson in June, 1837: Concord, dear Concord, haven of repose, where headache, vertito Boston, and it may be well to insert a passage from one of her letters to Mr. Emerson, in which she gives a glimpse of the gay world of that city forty-seven yeae been with this reminiscence in her mind. On March 1, 1838, she wrote to Mr. Emerson one of her most characteristic letters. I reproduce it from the manuscript, because it shows what Mr. Emerson was to her,--a saint in her oratory,--and because it puts what was often called, in her case, self-consciousness and vanity, in th
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, chapter 7 (search)
years back, till there seems to be no good left in me. Fuller Mss. i. 22. She wrote to Mr. Emerson of the remaining months of that winter, My sufferings last winter in Groton were almost cs? I must write upon this subject. March, 1840. Fuller Mss. i. 429 She had fancies, as Mr. Emerson tells us, about days and precious stones and talismans; and in one of her letters I find thesen them during one of her visits to Concord:-- August 22, 1842. After leaving the book at Mr. Emerson's I returned through the woods, and, entering Sleepy Hollow, I perceived a lady reclining neat, of whom he had gotten a glimpse Then he emerged from the green shade, and, behold! it was Mr. Emerson. He appeared to have had a pleasant time; for he said that there were Muses in the woods toders to be heard in the breezes. It being now nearly six o'clock, we separated,--Margaret and Mr. Emerson towards his home, and I towards mine. American note-books, II. 85. Such scenes were but
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 8: conversations in Boston. (search)
ad to fall back on monologue. But this was not common, and even the imperfect fragments in the way of report given by Mr. Emerson in the Memoirs Memoirs, i. 324. are enough to show the general success of these occasions. When the subject was Life value of these conversations in terms so admirable that they must be cited. This is the late Elizabeth Hoar, of whom Emerson once wrote: Elizabeth consecrates; I have no friend whom I more wish to be immortal than she. A letter has already beenhen, to rest, and, while rejoicing in that respite, still felt that her field was action, and that she could not, like Mr. Emerson, withdraw from the world to a quiet rural home. She wrote thus, on one occasion, to the Rev. W. H. Channing:-- 10th litionism on her arrival in America: Mrs. Lydia Maria Child and Mrs. Ellis Gray Loring. The list comprises the wives of Emerson and Parker and the high-minded Maria White who afterwards, as the wife of Lowell, did much to make him an abolitionist;
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 9: a literary club and its organ. (search)
ted while the Dial was yet unborn; and before Emerson had published anything but Nature and a few al movement. Four young Unitarian clergymen — Emerson, Hedge, Ripley, and Putnam — meeting after thents. This led to a much larger meeting at Mr. Emerson's in Concord, at which were present, beside XII. The Club went on meeting, now at Mr. Emerson's in Concord, now at Dr. Francis's in Watera dozen men exhaust our list of contributors; Emerson, Hedge, Miss Fuller, Ripley, Channing, Dwightstion (October 19, 1839) : I shall speak with Emerson and Miss Fuller about it; and the next day her we must proceed to tune the instruments. Mr. Emerson is warmly interested and will give active ahe first number, and for solid bullion too. Mr. Emerson will write, every number, and so will you i with a good will, if written at all. Carlyle-Emerson correspondence, i. 270. Again he says, Apivion. Ms. On May 31, 1840, she writes to Emerson:-- There are only thirty names on the Bo[11 more...]<
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 10: the Dial. (search)
oing to scribble in. The introduction is by Mr. Emerson ; pieces on Critics and the Allston Gallery will be better. Fuller Mss. i. 23. To Mr. Emerson, as one of the ship-owners, she writes far ated Wood-notes. The Ellery is an article by Emerson entitled New poetry and made up chiefly of exond number, Thoughts on modern literature, by Emerson, still yields to the reader so much in the wy the change. As to obtaining a verse from Emerson to fill the gap at the close of his paper, hee length to show his weight. Ms. letter to Emerson, August 5, 1848. But best of all is this cleath, after the appearance of a circular from Mr. Emerson announcing the continuance of the magazine, to ward off interruptions, sick or well. Emerson wrote thus to Carlyle (March 31, 1842) in reghe death of Dr. Channing she thus writes to Mr. Emerson (November 8, 1842):-- Should you writeargaret Fuller had the pleasure of writing to Emerson, On my first arrival I encountered at Liverpo[12 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 11: Brook Farm. (search)
The best single picture of the period is in Emerson's lecture on New England reformers, deliveredion of friends of universal reform in Boston, Emerson says of that gathering:-- If the assembl a better illustration of this fact than when Emerson includes in his enumeration of eccentricitiesd gospellers came and went the calm figure of Emerson, peaceful and undisturbed. I can remember thhat she was not there. She doubtless, like Emerson, joined occasionally in its merry-makings. Irm, he met George Ripley and Miss Fuller at Mr. Emerson's in Concord, for the purpose of discussinkely to join the proposed community,--Ripley, Emerson, Parker, S. D. Robbins, and Miss Fuller. Aelf, had any such serious intention; though Mr. Emerson himself was so far influenced by the prevairet Fuller often visited it, this letter to Mr. Emerson shows the motives, quite remote from Zenobis. Again, this extract from a letter to Mr. Emerson (August 10, 1842) illustrates the same poin[1 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 12: books published. (search)
little read, even by young people, apparently, but she then gave food for the most thoughtful. Emerson says: Once I took such delight in Plato that I thought I never should need any other book; thenrk a period a hundred years ago instead of forty; and is graphically described in a letter to Mr. Emerson, written on the return journey:-- Chicago, 4th August, 1843. We traveled in a way that leionalities represented among the foreign immigrants. The following extract from a letter to Mr. Emerson shows her careful observation of these types, then so new:-- Here I am interested in thoessful, if it cost her nothing. At any rate she distributed it with some freedom, writing to Mr. Emerson, May 22, 1845, Thirteen copies of Summer on the Lakes were sent to your address in Boston; fid in the open air with her when the sun shone, and composed only on rainy days. She wrote to Mr. Emerson (November 17, 1844) :-- I have been happy now in freedom from headache and all other in