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rces entered and took possession of all the enemy's defences. To General Morgan I assigned the command of the Fort, who as a token of the conspicuous merit of General Smith throughout the action, assigned it to that officer. To General Sherman I gave charge of all the other defences and the prisoners outside of the Fort, who in like manner honored General Stuart by giving them into his charge. Seven stands of colors were captured, including the garrison flag, which was captured by Captain Ennis, one of General Smith's aids-de-camp. General Burbridge planted the American flag upon the Fort which had been placed in his hands as a tribute to his gallantry, by General Smith, for that purpose. Besides these, five thousand prisoners; seventeen pieces of cannon, large and small; ten gun-carriages, and eleven limbers; three thousand stands of small arms, exclusive of many lost or destroyed; one hundred and thirty swords, fifty Colt's pistols; forty cans of powder; one thousand six
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
Salkehatchie, S. C. $50. Depp, Stephen 33, sin.; farmer; Lebanon, O. 12 May 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Urbanna, O. Dexter, Thomas 20, sin.; laborer; Plymouth. 17 Jly 64; 20 Aug 65. Richmond, Va. Downing, James 26, sin.; barber; New Bedford, 28 Feb 63; 28 May 63 Readville; dis. $50. Easton, James H. 20, sin.; laborer.; Newport, R. I. 24 Mch 63; died 1 Aug 65 Post Hos. Charleston, S. C. Remittent Fever. $50. Edwards, John 30, mar.; laborer; Philadelphia. 21 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Ennis, Stephen 25, mar.; musician; Montrose, Pa. 27 Mch 63; 20 Aug. 65. $50. Evins, Joseph 22, sin.; plasterer; Green Co., O. 12 May 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Finnemore, Charles A. 27, mar.; farmer; Amherst. 10 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 20 Feb 64 Olustee, Fla. $50. Fleetwood, Lewis A. 21, sin.; laborer; New Bedford. 21 Feb 63; 8 Je 64 New York; dis. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Fletcher, David S., Corpl. 20, sin.; hostler; New Bedford. 20 Feb 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wa
H., lieutenant-colonel; Boston, Reuben B., colonel; Douglas, Beverly B., major; Eells, John, major; Harding, Cyrus, Jr., major; Pate, H. Clay, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Fuller, John W., major; Rosser, Thomas L., colonel. Fifth and Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry (consolidated November 8, 1864): Harding, Cyrus, Jr., major. Fifth battalion Reserves: Henry, P. M., lieutenant-colonel. Fifth Infantry battalion Local Defense Troops (Arsenal battalion): Brown, W. Le Roy, lieutenant-colonel; Ennis, Philip J., lieutenant-colonel; Vaughan, John B., major. Fifth Infantry battalion: Archer, F. H., lieutenant-colonel; Foster, William R., major; Wilson, John P., Jr., major. Fifth Infantry regiment: Baylor, William S. H., lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Harman, William H., lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Harper. Kenton, colonel; Koiner, Absalom, major; Newton, James W., major; Williams, Hazel J., major, lieutenant-colonel. Fifth Infantry regiment State Line: Edmundson, David, lieutenant-
Smoothing --We learn from the Fredericksburg Herald that a difficulty occurred at a parade at Aquia, Stafford county, in Capt. James Waller's company, on Saturday last, between Lewis Knight and another member whom Knight threatened to shoot. A friend named Ennis remonstrated with Knight, and whilst approaching him the third time, Knight raised his gun and killed Ennis. Knight fled, but was arrested and is now in jail. Smoothing --We learn from the Fredericksburg Herald that a difficulty occurred at a parade at Aquia, Stafford county, in Capt. James Waller's company, on Saturday last, between Lewis Knight and another member whom Knight threatened to shoot. A friend named Ennis remonstrated with Knight, and whilst approaching him the third time, Knight raised his gun and killed Ennis. Knight fled, but was arrested and is now in jail.
Earls M LPriv55DWinder3 Enzor W HPriv20CWinder3 Edwards GPriv61IWinder3 Earnheart A SPriv57CWinder3 Earnheart J NCorpt11AWinder3 Ellis JPriv35BWinderNo. 4 Ethridge W APriv4 cvGWinder4 Ezell C WPriv5 cvCWinder4 Elliot J HPriv1 cvBWinder4 Ennis WPriv57KWinder4 Everheart H WPriv10BWinder4 Eder TPriv53KWinder4 Ennis C WPriv23BWinder4 Everett LPriv5HWinder4 Ekard A SPriv46KWinder4 Eulip E SCapt15HWinder4 Edson T NPriv48CWinder4 Epicks JnoPriv48HWinder4 Elliott WmPriv45EWinderNo. 5Ennis C WPriv23BWinder4 Everett LPriv5HWinder4 Ekard A SPriv46KWinder4 Eulip E SCapt15HWinder4 Edson T NPriv48CWinder4 Epicks JnoPriv48HWinder4 Elliott WmPriv45EWinderNo. 5 Eddings WPriv26KWinder5 Estep H DCorpt61IWinder5 Eckard WPriv23AWinder5 Ellis J JPriv43FWinder5 Edwards TPriv7CWinder5 Etmore E RPriv53CWinderNo. 7 Edwards J PPriv31BWinder7 Everheart PPriv57AWinder7 Everitt JPriv32FWinder7 Epps J ASergt23CWinder7 Eller JPriv23DWinderNo. 6 Essex DPriv48HWinder6 Elliott JPriv49IWinderNo. 7 Edwards A DPriv28CJacksonNo. 1 Eliett APriv45DJacksonNo. 3 Essex W RPriv48HJacksonNo. 4 Edward J FPriv43ENo. 24 Ellington A PPriv22MHo Grove Evans WPriv5FC