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A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Consular, Confidential and other Foreign Agents. (search)
Consular, Confidential and other Foreign Agents. Hon.Clement C. Clay, JrAlabamaSpecial Agent to Canada; formerly Confederate Senator from Alabama. Hon.Jacob ThompsonTennesseeSpecial Agent to Canada. Hon.James P. HolcombeVirginiaSpecial Agent to Canada; formerly member of Confederate Congress. Hon.Edwin De LeonSouth CarolinaSpecial Agent to Paris. Hon.Charles J. HelmKentuckySpecial Agent to Havana. L. Heylinger Special Agent to Nassau. Hon.Colin J. McRaeMississippiSpecial Agent to London and Paris; formerly deputy from Alabama to the Confederate Congress at Montgomery. Hon.George N. Saunders Special Agent to London. Hon.Beverly TuckerVirginiaSpecial Agent to London. J. L. O'Sullivan Special Agent to London. Emile Erlanger & CoFranceFinancial Agents at Paris
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Building Confederate vessels in France. (search)
interesting account of French duplicity in this matter:] I have always understood that when the proposition to raise a loan in Europe was first broached, the Confederate government was not greatly impressed with the scheme, and was somewhat reluctant to accept the offer of the bankers who proposed to undertake the negotiation. After some discussion, it was, however, determined to make the experiment with the moderate amount of £ 3,000,000. The financial enterprise was undertaken by Messrs. Erlanger, of Frarkfort and Paris, and they managed the transaction with great skill and ability. When the prospectus was issued there was a prompt and gratifying response. In a very short time the amount subscribed was £ 15,000,000, or five times the amount wanted, and it was thought that a much larger sum still would have been offered if it had been applied for. The financial agents of the Confederate government lamented their inability to issue bonds for the whole amount offered, but, lookin
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.22 (search)
he arrival of peace. So attractive to foreign money lenders were the cotton obligations that Mr. Erlanger, of the private banking firm of Erlanger & Co., Paris, made his way through the blockade to RErlanger & Co., Paris, made his way through the blockade to Richmond to urge the authorities there to sell large blocks of this character for gold delivered in London. Two hundred and fifty thousand Union Hessians. The Union States, pending these incidentd, January 15, 1863, Secretary of State Benjamin wrote to Commissioner Mason: The agents of Messrs. Erlanger & Co. arrived a few days before your dispatches and were quite surprised to find their propommanding generals stood aghast at the long line of shoeless, ragged men in their ranks. The Erlanger loan was placed in London with immediate and astonishing success. March 3, 1863, Mr. Erlanger Mr. Erlanger had returned and the first offering of $5,000,00 appeared on Lombard street. Before the day closed $10,000,000 had been subscribed and the premium was 5 per cent. When the aggregate of bids for the en
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
B., 144. DeLeon, T. C., 146. DeLeon, Edward, 115. Dinkins, Captain James, 250, 299. Dispatch, Capture of Confederate, 69. Donelson, Surrender of Fort, 126. Dred Scott Decision, 31. Duke, General Basil W., 132. DuBose, John Witherspoon, 102. Early, Everett, 207. Early, General J. A. Vindicated, 224. Early, J. Cabell, 222. Echols, General John, 174. Ellis, Governor John W., 275, 291. Embargo Act of 1807, 17. Engineer Troops, Parole list of, 51. Erlanger & Co., Proposition of, 113. Eustace, Lieutenant, killed, 240. Featherstone-Posey-Harris, Miss, Brigade; Organization and services of, 329, 330, 331, 336. Federal Army, Foreign Elements of, 6; Union Hessians and Negroes in, 113, 125, 205. Federal and Confederate Armies, Disparity Between, 10; relative numbers of, 116; 87, 90, 98, 225, 250, 251, 256, 303, 312. Fielding, Midshipman F. H., 159. Finney, Colonel W. W., 134. Five Forks, Battle of, 11, 356. Flag, Confederat
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.53 (search)
ace should be declared. Finally the whole issue was taken by Baron Erlanger, a wealthy German with banking houses at Frankfort, Paris, and anger built a number of railroads in the South which he styled the Erlanger system.) Baron Erlanger ridiculed the idea of the South, issuing $Baron Erlanger ridiculed the idea of the South, issuing $15,000,000 in bonds, when a much larger figure could have been negotiated. For it is a fact that at that time cotton was bringing from 60 to h cotton at 10 cents a pound. Colonel Gibbes is not positive what Erlanger gave for the bonds, but thinks the price was over 80 cents on the t is evident that more than $15,000,000 could have been gotten. Erlanger came to this country and from President Lincoln at Washington obtained a pass to Richmond — for Lincoln did not know Erlanger or suspect his mission. The foreigners communicated with President Davis and Mr. orrow but $15,000,000 and he could not exceed its instructions. Erlanger was thus unseccessful. He declared that the South should get all
e expedition in person.--The Government is attentively watching events, because it knows that Republicans and reactionary agents are trying to the beneficial tranquility which efforts Italy the only means of consolidating her new kingdom." Erlanger, the contractor for the Confederate loan, was, a few years since, only a small broker for the negotiation of bills of exchange at Frankfort on the Maine. The Prince of Tour and Taxis, who need to farm the postal diligence service in Germany and amassed a large fortune, finding him clever, assisted him, and now we find him negotiating loans. Erlanger's profit on the transaction is rumored to be at least a quarter of a million. During the preparation for the royal wedding at Windsor Castle some of the artisans employed suddenly struck for higher wages, and for a time it appeared as if the hymeneal day of the Prince and Princess would be rendered comparatively decollate by unfinished scaffolding, roofings marquees, unficored saloon
All of these vessels, it appears, are in a state of forwardness corresponding to the dates indicated in the contracts, and they appear also to be vessels of a very formidable character. The contracts are said to be signed by Messrs. Slidell and Erlanger--the latter paying for the vessels out of the proceeds of the fifteen million Confederate loan. But as the builders of these ships are not working from any particular enthusiasm for the Confederate cause, they exact current payments, and three millions of francs, in French money, appear to have been already paid by Mr. Erlanger on account. The builders of these vessels, as agreed upon with the Confederate agents, maintain that they are for the service of the Chinese Government, and that a part of them, at least, are intended for the mail line between Shanghai and San Francisco. What a happy man must be the Emperor of China, to have all the world occupied in building him a navy without his knowledge ! These ships will he stopp
The Daily Dispatch: December 29, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Yankee spy system — a Characteristic History of the Excursion of a gentleman. (search)
on them. In fact, about the only persons were Baron Erlanger, of rebel-loan notoriety, his relations, and a clothes' Jew bankers," as we call them, who are in Erlanger's interest, and supposed to be employed to "crack up"Erlanger's $15,000,000 rebel loan, and to advocate the cause of the South generally. They are, however, meity, and all they can do will be of no avail. Erlanger acted in the capacity of pilot to old Mason, showi Bourse, and driving him about the city. What Erlanger's object was in taking him to the Bourse can only everal days before the election, and now Mason and Erlanger determined to show the world that by the election To the evening session of the Bourse, therefore, Erlanger repaired, and at once went to selling stocks (5.20were introduced by one Langenburg, a son-in-law of Erlanger. The introduction there was very modest indeed, ay "shady," and do not reveal many of their plans. Erlanger will be slow in taking another cotton loan, as it
large private income. You know that the Confederate cotton loan tumbled down, by twos and fours, ten per cent., and that though many of its influential stockholders are men willing to hold on at a loss, in consequence of their rebel proclivities. The getters-up of the loan now meditate a fresh one, mentioned at £000,000, the inducements held out being very tempting, the security, of course, cotton, said to be safely stored at a definite and accessible place. This time the German Jew, Erlanger, who engineered the Confederate loan, is to be left out in the cold, Messrs. Hotze and Williams undertaking the business themselves. A new Liberal daily newspaper is authorized to appear in Paris on and after next Monday week. The editor-in-chief, M. Peyrot, formerly managing editor of La Presse, is a thorough going Liberal, moderate in force, but absolute in ideas--Suaviter in mode, Fortier in re. The American specialist in the editorial staff is M. Jeff, a gentleman familiar of old