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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Responsibilities of the first Bull Run. (search)
hoped that the fight would be maintained until I could bring adequate reinforcements to their aid. For this Holmes and Early were urged to hasten their march, and Ewell was ordered to follow them with his brigade with all speed. Broken troops were reorganized and led back into the fight with the help of my own and part of Generalreville side of Bull Run made a demonstration on the rear of our right; which was. repelled by Holmes's brigade just arrived. Soon after the firing ceased, General Ewell reported to me, saying that his brigade was about midway from its camp near Union Mills. He had ridden forward to see the part of the field on which he might urth facing our right, so that troops of ours, going to Centreville then, if not prevented by the Federal division facing them, would have found no enemy. And General Ewell was not, as he reports, instructed in the plan of attack ; for he says in his official report: . . . I first received orders to hold myself in readiness to adv
e quantities of commissary stores, for which there was no transportation. But, Joe Johnston held the movement to be necessary; and, by this time the South had learned to accept that what he thought must be correct. The great disparity in numbers, and the evident purpose of the Federals to make Richmond the focal point of attack, spoke plainly to that perfect soldier the necessity-coute que coute-of bringing his army within easy striking distance of the Capital. Stonewall Jackson — with Ewell's and Early's divisions of less than ten thousand men of all arms — was detached to watch the enemy and the retrograde movement was completed so successfully that McClellan never suspected the evacuation. Two days later, his grand array-an army with banners, bands braying anti new arms glinting in the sun-moved down to the attack; and then, doubtless to his infinite digust, he found only the smoking and deserted debris of the Confederate camp. The army he had hoped to annihilate was on it
Thomas C. DeLeon, Four years in Rebel capitals: an inside view of life in the southern confederacy, from birth to death., Chapter 24: echo of Seven days, North and South. (search)
nassas. Working on the inner line and being thus better able to concentrate his strength, he left only enough troops around Richmond to delay any advance of McClellan from the Peninsula; and, before the end of July, sent Stonewall Jackson — with Ewell's, A. P. Hill's, and his own old division under General Charles S. Winder, in all about 10,000 men — to frustrate the flatulent designs of the gong-sounding commander, whose Chinese warfare was echoing so loudly from the frontier. Cautious, rapid and tireless as ever, Jackson advanced into Culpeper county; and on the 9th of August gave the gong-sounder his first lesson on the field of Cedar Mountain. Throwing a portion of his force under Early on the enemy's flank and bringing Ewell and, later, Winder against his front, Jackson forced him from his position after a bloody fight, which the advance of A. P. Hill turned into a complete victory. Cedar Mountain was a sharp and well-contested fight; but the Confederates inflicted a
my out of the state. His army had been reorganized and strengthened as much as possible; General R. S. Ewell was chosen successor to Jackson; and to him, Longstreet and A. P. Hill-raised now to a fuof the three corps. Diverging from the main line, after some little coquetting for position, Ewell charged Jackson's foot cavalry upon Winchester, capturing the town with its heavy depots of storat such a campaign would give. It was with deep satisfaction, then, that Richmond heard that Ewell had crossed the Potomac at Williamsport, pushed on through Hagerstown and, leaving Early at Yorklvania; when York was held by Early and laid under contribution and Harrisburg was threatened by Ewell. The whole North rose in its might. Governors Seymour, of New York, Andrew, of Massachusetts, burg. To prevent being struck in detail and secure his communications, Lee was forced to recall Ewell and to concentrate his army. Hill and Longstreet were ordered up from Chambersburg; and by July
e is handed down from the winter camps before Atlanta, when rations were not only worst but least. A knot round a messfire examined ruefully the tiny bits of moldy bacon, stuck on their bayonet-grills, when one hard old veteran remarked: Say, boys! Didn't them fellers wot died las' spring jest git th‘ commissary, though! Another, not very nice, still points equally the dire straits of the men, from unchanged clothing, and their grim humor under even that trial. Generals Lee and Ewell-riding through a quiet road in deep consultation, followed by members of their staff-came suddenly upon a North Carolinian at the roadside. Nude to the waist, and careless of the august presences near, the soldier paid attention only to the dingy shirt he held over the smoke of some smoldering brush. The generals past, an aide spurred up to the toilet-making vet, and queried sharply: Didn't you see the generals, sir? What in thunder are you doing? Skirmishin‘! drawled the unmo
derals had brigades lying round Richmond in perfect idleness-still for a time the rumor gained credit that General Lee had turned on his pursuer, at Amelia Court House, and gained a decisive victory over him. Then came the more positive news that Ewell was cut off with 13,000 men; and, finally, on the 9th of April, Richmond heard that Lee had surrendered. Surely as this result should have been looked forward to-gradually as the popular mind had been led to it-still it came as a blow of terrifistened patiently to the intelligible news the officers were only too willing to give. And at last these rumors assumed tangible form — there was no longer any room to doubt. General Lee, weakened by desertion and breaking down of his men-by General Ewell's capture and by the sense of hopelessness of further resistance, had on the morning of the 9th of April, surrendered 24,000 men-including the volunteer citizens, and the naval brigade of all the Richmond ship's-crews-and with them 8,000 musk
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 3: battle of Manassas, or Bull Run. (search)
ce in time and space as to make the consolidation easy under well-organized transportation facilities. Holmes's brigade and six-gun battery were posted in rear of Ewell's brigade. General McDowell's order for battle on the 21st of July was issued on the afternoon of the 20th, directing his First Division to march by the Warrenke. All of D. R. Jones's brigade that had crossed at McLean's Ford under the former order had not yet returned to its position under the order to that effect, and Ewell had gone from Union Mills Ford to the battle on the extreme left, so that neither of them came in position ready to take part in the pursuit. Those at Mitchell's tchell's Fords, all quite fresh, could have been reinforced by all the cavalry and most of the artillery, comparatively fresh, and later by the brigades of Holmes, Ewell, and Early. This favorable aspect for fruitful results was all sacrificed through the assumed authority of staff-officers who, upon false reports, gave counterman
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 5: Round about Richmond. (search)
to meet him on either of the other routes, a line behind the Rapidan was the chosen position. General Beauregard had been relieved of duty in Virginia and ordered West with General A. S. Johnston. The withdrawal from Centreville was delayed some weeks, waiting for roads that could be travelled, but was started on the 9th of March, 1862, and on the 11th the troops were south of the Rappahannock. General Whiting's command from Occoquan joined General Holmes at Fredericksburg. Generals Ewell and Early crossed by the railroad bridge and took positions near it. General G. W. Smith's division and mine marched by the turnpike to near Culpeper Court-House. General Stuart, with the cavalry, remained on Bull Run until the 10th, then withdrew to Warrenton Junction. During the last week of March our scouts on the Potomac reported a large number of steamers, loaded with troops, carrying, it was estimated, about one hundred and forty thousand men, passing down and out of the Potoma
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 24: preparing for the spring of 1863. (search)
death of Stonewall Jackson the resolve to march northward the Army reorganized in three Corps Ewell and A. P. Hill appointed Lieutenant Generals. Before we were fully settled in our winter quas the senior major-general of the army, and by reason of distinguished services and ability, General Ewell was entitled to the command of the Second Corps, but there were other major-generals of rank next below Ewell whose services were such as to give them claims next after Ewell's, so that when they found themselves neglected there was no little discontent, and the fact that both the new lieutEwell's, so that when they found themselves neglected there was no little discontent, and the fact that both the new lieutenant-generals were Virginians made the trouble more grievous. General D. H. Hill was next in rank to General Ewell. He was the hero of Bethel, Seven Pines, South Mountain, and the hardest fighter General Ewell. He was the hero of Bethel, Seven Pines, South Mountain, and the hardest fighter at Sharpsburg. His record was as good as that of Stonewall Jackson, but, not being a Virginian, he was not so well advertised. Afterwards, when Early, noted as the weakest general officer of the Arm
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter25: invasion of Pennsylvania. (search)
art's and Pleasonton's commands engagement of Ewell and Milroy at Winchester the question of autha near our route, was to move, the former with Ewell, the latter on his left. Six batteries of hor, and three pieces of artillery. On the 10th, Ewell took up his march for the Valley by Chester GB. F. Smith. Upon entering the Valley, General Ewell detached Rodes's division and Jenkins's caith his divisions under Johnson and Early, General Ewell marched to Winchester and attacked and carreat, leaving his artillery and wagon-trains. Ewell had anticipated this, and sent a part of Johnsside. On his march through the Valley, General Ewell took 4000 prisoners and small-arms, 25 can cavalry under General Imboden, ordered on General Ewell's left, was due as far north as McConnellsued orders for the march upon Harrisburg. General Ewell had marched his main column through Chambe of the Imboden cavalry on his left caused General Ewell to send General George H. Steuart through [1 more...]