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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 3 (search)
e Federal Government—it can only offer expediency as an excuse. Fairfax monument. Dedication of the monument at Fairfax Courthouse, Virgi On the front or north side is the following inscription: From Fairfax to Appomattox. 1861-865. Erected to the memory of the gallant sons of Fairfax whose names are inscribed on this monument, but whose bodies lie buried on distant battle-fields; and to the memory of their. Smoot—black suit, slouch hat, canes and badges. Camp Marr, of Fairfax, named after Captain Marr, of Warrenton, who was killed in the raildiers who, in the defence of a common cause, found sepulchre upon Fairfax soil, and to erect a monument to the memory of the Confederate dear a time held in abeyance. Two years ago the ex-Confederates of Fairfax formed an association and completed the work so nobly begun by the ladies. The inscription on the monument, From Fairfax to Appomattox, illustrates the part taken by the Fairfax soldiers, whose blood stai