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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 8, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Fairfax or search for Fairfax in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: January 8, 1862., [Electronic resource], Latest Northern News. (search)
Miss Slidell was at the cabin door, protecting any intrusion upon her father, and Lt. Fairfax then endeavored to forcibly remove her, whereupon Miss Slidell slapped him in the face.
Lieut. Fairfax then ordered one of the marines to charge her with open bayonet, which command was immediately obeyed, and would have, no doubt, resulted seriously to Miss Slidell had not Commander Williams struck the marine and his bayonet to the ground, and protected the young lady From a London papLieut. Fairfax then ordered one of the marines to charge her with open bayonet, which command was immediately obeyed, and would have, no doubt, resulted seriously to Miss Slidell had not Commander Williams struck the marine and his bayonet to the ground, and protected the young lady From a London paper.
He gallantly brim the beaker bowl, A click the festal glasses, oh!
The grape will shed its sapphire soul To the oh!
And when yo pledge the lip and curl Of loveliness and glory, oh!
Here's a bumper to the gallant girl, That smole the dastard Tory, oh!
A bumper, a thumper, To loveliness and glory, oh!
Here's a bumper to the gallant girl, That smole the dastard Tory, oh!
Our boys are fighting East and West, But our women do not linger, oh!
For they take their diamonds from th