Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 20, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Charles J. Faulkner or search for Charles J. Faulkner in all documents.

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The arrival of Mr. C. J. Faulkner. --This gentleman, after months of confinement in the Yankee prisons, has been set at liberty, and reached this city yesterday evening. He was received with a most cordial greeting by our citizens. An account of his reception will be found elsewhere. Mr. Faulkner was arrested most unjustifiably by the Lincoln Government. He had returned home from his post as Minister of the late United States to France, and repaired to Washington for the purpose of surrendering his stewardship of National affairs and settling his accounts. While in the performance of this closing part of his business with the most disgusting Government on the face of the earth, he was seized as if he were a criminal, and without even the immunities of a criminal of an examination, and the being confronted by his accuser, he was thrust into prison. This case was one of the greatest outrages inflicted by the brutal Lincoln Administration upon Southern citizens. His arriv
ed in this city yesterday that the Hon. Charles J. Faulkner, istely released from a Federal prison,tcher and Mayor Mayo, were present to greet Mr. Faulkner on his return, and the Armory Band saluted o have the ceremonies of reception inside.--Mr. Faulkner was therefore conducted to the southern por the city then extended a public welcome to Mr. Faulkner, who was greeted by the crowd with deafenin people were determined upon hearing speech Mr. Faulkner came forward, and after a brief acknowledgmeek an opportunity for its fulfilment. Mr. Faulkner then indicated his purpose to retire, and tews from Mason and Slidell" Well, said Mr. Faulkner,) I left Mr. Masonda good health and spiritnt upon the great events of the times. Mr. Faulkner (of whose remarks we have given a mere sketvernor, a regiment of such men for one like Mr. Faulkner. When he read the news from Europe, in theublic ceremonies with a patriotic address. Mr. Faulkner was subsequently intercourse at the residen[1 more...]