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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Charles J. Faulkner or search for Charles J. Faulkner in all documents.
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Federal falsehoods.
We publish this morning a letter from the Head&Chas.
J: Faulkner, contradicting, most completely and entirely the telegraphic report of the New York Herald, in which that gentleman was represented as having, at Martinsburg, crawfithed out of the "rebellion," and shewed his willingness to yield to the Ya .
Bennett and his correspondents are engaged in a deep game of manufacturing public sentiment at home and abroad, and the introduction of a prominent man like Mr. Faulkner as deserting the Southern cause, was a strong point.
They hesitated not to make it. Yet, according to Mr. Faulkner, they had not a single word from him at a pMr. Faulkner, they had not a single word from him at a public assemblage or anywhere else to base their statement upon.
On the contrary, he has been a consistent advocate of the Southern cause and is willing now to give up all he has to promote its success.
This instance is but a fair example of prevarication, out of whole cloth, by the Herald and the Federal press generally.