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as donkeys. About midnight, our preparations being completed, Brigadiers Featherstone and Pryor moved up towards Beaver Dam Creek on the right, and Brigadier Maxyrds the Chickahominy, in the direction of Coal Harbor, near Gaines's Mills. Featherstone's Mississippians, in advance, hugged the river, and halted on a wooded sloperds the bank. A creek ran in front of the dwellings, and at right angles to Featherstone and the river. No bridges were discovered on which to cross and get in the his position, screened by woods, while the entire front was open fields. Featherstone, who commanded, had been to consult with superior officers, and returning aband silenced several guns. Pryor, on the left, was slow in his advance; but Featherstone, riding over, soon urged them into rapid motion, and as our right had pusheddeemed our force insufficient; and having sent for reenforcements unknown to Featherstone, Brigadier Wilcox came on the scene with his Alabamians. The chief command
to the battle position of Jackson advance of Wilcox, Featherstone, and Pryor the centre under Ambrose Hill the Texan bruse not appointed to the advance. Wilcox, Pryor, and Featherstone are also present, conversing freely and gaily, as if ablunt in his manner. Having received orders, Wilcox, Featherstone, and Pryor ride off at a gallop, and some prophesy thathaving opened the fight to the left, Pryor, Wilcox, and Featherstone moved through the woods to the west. Having got suffic! and in less than three minutes, Wilcox on the right, Featherstone in the centre, and Pryor on the left, were rushing alond been shot in the morning at Beaver Dam Creek, Wilcox, Featherstone, Pryor, and other officers, left their steeds in the wohave described the progress of the battle under Wilcox, Featherstone, and Pryor, the result being that the enemy are gradualood officer and commands a fine brigade. Pryor, Wilcox, Featherstone, Ambrose Hill, and others, were hurling their commands
lleys upon any who dared approach their guns, now in full play in the open fields. When our line was re-formed, however, and the wings began to press forward, Featherstone, Pryor, and Wilcox pushed the centre vigorously, and the first-named, making a rush for the guns, seized them, but had to fall back under the fire of a heavy fd to have no limit, for as soon as one regiment was vanquished another was pushed forward in its place, so that it required great efforts to drive them back. Featherstone and Fields made another dash at their batteries, but were so shattered they could not hold them. At last, after resting some time, these two commanders rushedr covering, or food, too weary to think of any thing but rest. To show the character of the fighting. for the past few days, I will merely state that when Featherstone's and other brigades went into action on Friday morning, each mustered an. aggregate of from two to three thousand men, but when returns were made late on Mond
not allowing us an opportunity. Did you ever hear what Featherstone said of us? At Beaver Dam Creek, there were twelve pieces playing against twice as many of the enemy, and Featherstone, commanding, anxiously watched us, to cover his infantry. rapets in large cakes, rapidly silencing their pieces. Featherstone was in raptures, and exclaimed: By Jupiter, that beats. How they escaped annihilation is a mystery. Wilcox, Featherstone, and Pryor did wonders, as usual, but their commands weugh as a temporary divisional general he commanded both Featherstone and Pryor. Finding that his men baulked a little at thnning about to keep the brigade in order; but, although Featherstone's men were supposed to be a reserve of the division in ous and powerful. It is said that the sight of Wilcox, Featherstone, Pryor, Whiting, Archer, Hood, and others advancing afoaculously escaped. I wish I could add the same of poor Featherstone, at Frazier's Farm, for he was desperately wounded towa
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
f Northern Virginia or the Army of the Potomac. The movements of the Southern general had been delayed because he did not desire to risk the detachment of too many troops from Richmond lines until he had a reasonable confidence that McClellan's offensive operations were at an end. Four days after Jackson's fight he determined to transfer the theater of action to Pope's front, and accordingly ordered Major-General Longstreet, with ten brigades, commanded by Kemper, Jenkins, Wilcox, Pryor, Featherstone, D. R. Jones, Toombs, Drayton, and Evans, to Gordonsville, and on the same day Hood, with his own and Whiting's brigades, was sent to the same place. Two days afterward-namely, August 15th-General Lee proceeded in person to join Longstreet and Jackson. He was distressed at being deprived of the services of Richmond, his cheval de bataille, in the approaching campaign. His favorite riding mare was a sorrel called Grace Darling. When the war began he had her sent down from Arlington to
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 6: from Manassas to Leesburg. (search)
ortly after, put under the command of General Griffith, of that State, who was killed at Savage Station in June, 1862, when Barksdale, theretofore colonel of the Thirteenth, was made brigadier-general and took command of the brigade, which bore his name up to Gettysburg, where he met his gallant death. Thereupon Colonel Humphreys, of the Twentyfirst, was promoted to the rank of brigadier, and in turn commanded and christened this fine body of soldiers. It may be well to mention that Colonel Featherstone, of the Seventeenth, was made brigadier in the spring of 1862, so that three out of the four original colonels of this brigade became generals, the fourth, Colonel Burt, of the Eighteenth, having been killed at Ball's Bluff. I may also add that General Humphreys was elected Governor of Mississippi shortly after the close of the war. For more than a year after the battle of Leesburg, we were closely associated with these sturdy fellows and became strongly attached to them; indeed,
November 15. Conrad Posey, a brigadier-general in the rebel service, died at Charlottesville, Va., from a wound received in the fight at Bristoe Station, Va. General Posey was formerly colonel of the Forty-eighth Mississippi regiment, belonging to General Featherstone's brigade, and when the latter was transferred from the army of Virginia to the West, General Posey was commissioned to succeed him.--the firing on Fort Sumter continued steadily. From Thursday morning last until yesterday (Saturday) at sundown, one thousand five hundred and twenty-three mortar shells and rifled shots were fired at the fort. The Union fire has ceased to be of any injury to that defence. --Richmond Enquirer. Major-General S. A. Hurlbut, from his headquarters, Sixteenth army corps, at Memphis, Tenn., issued the following general order: I. The people in the District of West-Tennessee and the northern counties of Mississippi having shown no disposition, and made no attempt to protect themselv
crossed the Chickahominy in large numbers is already known. Coming up on the Williamsburgh road, they threw up intrenchments near Barker's farm, and posted themselves behind fallen trees, clumps of bushes, and breastworks. Saturday morning it was determined to attack them, and two divisions were sent down the Williamsburgh road. Gen. Hill's division led the advance, supported by General Longstreet. As soon as the enemy's position was reached, Gen. Hill prepared for a vigorous attack. Featherstone's brigade led the advance. It was commanded on the occasion by Col. Anderson, the General being ill in the city. Garland's brigade commenced the attack on the left, and in a few minutes the engagement became general. After two hours fighting our men drove the enemy from his camps. This brigade then, in pursuance of the original plan, deployed right and left of the enemy's works. Our artillery then commenced to play on them. In the Fourth North-Carolina, out of twenty-eight officers,
e woods and in the dips to the left, Wilcox and Pryor deployed their men into line of battle, Featherstone being in the rear; and suddenly appearing on the plateau facing the timber-covered hill, rushe brigades had stormed the position, passed up the hill through timber and over felled trees, Featherstone was far in advance. Quickly the Federals withdrew their pieces and took up a fresh position ft through the woods to flank us. Yet onward came Wilcox to the right, Pryor to the left, and Featherstone in the centre--one grand, matchless line of battle, almost consumed by exploits of the day — etting in the rear. Now the fighting was bitter and terrific. Worked up to madness, Wilcox, Featherstone and Pryor dash forward at a run, and drive the enemy with irresistible fury; to our left emertly true, and redounds to our immortal honor. These facts are true of Wilcox's, Pryor's, and Featherstone's brigades, who formed our right; and we are positive that from the composition of Whiting's,
ich his Excellency the President narrowly escaped accident. The battle had continued some little time, when I received an order from General Longstreet, through Captain Fairfax, to send a brigade to the left, to the support of Generals Pryor, Featherstone, and others. General Gregg was detached on this service and guided by Captain Fairfax. The fire becoming very heavy, I was ordered forward with my division. Branch's brigade took the route, and, with springing steps, pressed forward. Arrivl Mayo, having gotten possession of a battery, turned its guns on the enemy, and thereby greatly assisted Gregg, who was hotly engaged on the left. To this regiment also belongs the honor of capturing Major-General McCall. The brigade of General Featherstone having become very much scattered, and been forced back, Colonel McGowan, with the Fourteenth South Carolina, retrieved our ground. On our extreme right matters seemed to be going badly. Two brigades of Longstreet's division had been rou