Browsing named entities in Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Featherstone or search for Featherstone in all documents.

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er 10, 1864. The Fortieth Alabama infantry. The Fortieth Alabama was organized at Mobile in May, 1862. It went to Vicksburg by way of Columbus, Miss., and was brigaded with the Thirty-seventh and Forty-second under General Moore; was in Featherstone's command in the Steele's bayou expedition, March 16 to 22, 1863; was transferred to Bragg's army, and appears to have served in detachment as sharpshooters for the greater part of the time of its service. At Vicksburg it suffered severely, a—(797, 799) Colonel Coleman's regiment ordered to Columbus. (819) Captain Marsh's company, E, at Jackson, serving as provost guard. (825) In Vicksburg, 332 effectives, in Major-General Smith's command, January 3, 1863. No. 36—(458-461) General Featherstone's report of engagements on Rolling Fork and Deer creek, March 19th to 29th, in which regiment is mentioned several times. (467, 510) Mentioned in Col. S. W. Ferguson's report of engagement of March 22d, the Steele's bayou expedition.
ery A of this battalion, under the command of Capt. Stephen Charpentier, served in the defenses of Mobile until the spring of 1863, when it was attached to General Featherstone's brigade, and afterward did service in Mississippi, known as Charpentier's battery. Battery C served in General Hebert's brigade and lost heavily at the to have served continuously under the command of Capt. J. B. Hutchisson, at or near Mobile. Extracts from official war Records. Battery A. No. 38—(936) Featherstone's brigade, May 30, 1863, Jackson, Miss. (1041) Same assignment, July 30th. (1050) Mentioned by Maj. L. Hoxton, near Morton, Miss., August 8th. Battery C. Nn Slaughter's brigade, Maury's army, June 8, 1863. No. 103—(1048) In Gladden's battery, army of Mobile, March 10, 1865. Charpentier's Battery. No. 53—(515) Featherstone's brigade, Loring's division, army of Mississippi, August 20, 1863. No. 56—(757). No. 57—(332). No. 58—(520, 584). No. 59—(604, 659)